Wednesday, July 4, 2007


I will be fifty years old this year, have raced for several years off and on. I learned two things last night at the races. First, let me say I don't know much about setting up or building a stock car. I don't know how to build an engine. I do know how to do a lot of little things to a car. One thing is for sure, I love driving a stock car as much as anyone. I have a lot of friends and family that has help me, and I appreciate that very much. This season I have to thank my sponsor's for their help. I have had many of you drivers that have said I should be doing good with all them sponsor's but honestly the money I got from sponsor's this year was good but when it comes to racing in the sportsman class and spending thousand's of dollars I like many of you am short handed. I worked so hard to get my new car out at the track as many of you fellow racer's have also done. All the little things that kept going wrong as you guys know about. The season started April 6, and I was not ready so I used my back up car. Then on July 2, I had the new car ready to go to the track to test only to find out my car was too wide to fit on the trailer. The next day I bought another trailer and then got home and get ready to back up the the garage to load the car and my van will not start. I finally get to the track for the July 3rd race with no practice and take the new car out to qualify and make about seven laps, not getting up to speed but running really good. I was so happy with the handle of the car and knew I had more gas peddle left. On the seven lap, I go off in turn three and the engine sounds like a hand grenade going off. Yes, my new engine just broke. So here is the two things I learned last night. I had that sick feeling that you fellow drivers get when you blow and it was bad. I was so sick. But the thing I was most proud to have learned was that after I blew up and loaded my car up there were guys over at the trailer to help push it on and many, many fellow racers and fans came up to me and said they hated it for me and offered to help in any way. This is not a feel sorry for Odell post, I just wanted to share something I learned. From now on I hate to see anyone blow or wreck their car. Been there done that. And last, with all the smart remarks that people put on this site I can still be proud to be a racer at Beech Bend Raceway. Last night you drivers and fans made me realize that we are a small racing family. Thanks to you all for your support.


Tammyjo said...

Of course I don't know anything about fixing cars, but I can get tools that you need, hold parts in place for you, run into town for you, just anything you need me to do, I will be there!

#10checkwritter said...

Just want to let you know that you are right in your post. I know how you and Margaret feel. Been there done that. I know that if you need any help or support just call and Joey and I will be there to help you. I am like you I don't know much about building a car or engine. I am there for the support of Joey. I know that Margaret does help you and supports you also. If you need Joeys' help just call and he will come help as much as he can. You know that he built his own engine so if you need help just call. I was with Margaret taking pictures and when you blow my heart went out to you and Margaret I know how it feels. Again Odell if you need us call. Thanks for this site and for yours' and Margaret friendship

Anonymous said...

well keep on were all tryng and crying with you

Anonymous said...

Odell, I know your heart broke when the motor blew, But it happens to the best of us. Just keep your head high and your positive attitude and I am sure you will be running upfront soon. good luck, Buddy.Grider Racing # 30