Sunday, July 29, 2007


Hey Odell it is Tj from the Rim will you please post this for me Thanks: The Staff of Highland Rim Speedway is dedicating the night of August 4th 2007 to the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. Also that night the Late Models will run 100 laps. Highland Rim Speedway will be accepting donations for the Hospital. We have already spoken to several drivers and officials and they will be donating their money for that night to this good cause. For you that don't know it Highland Rim's clown (CHECKERS) donates every penny he makes from the track to the hospital. Good Job Checkers!!! Lets make this a positive night and help out the Children and the medical advances that need to happen for the Hospital. The competition director (TJ) at the speedway had this to say, " I have had a experience with a child in the Children's Hospital for almost a month after he was born. The people and the Technology of the Hospital were awesome. If it was not for them my son might not of been here in my arms. My son had to have open heart surgery. These nurses and doctors are the best in the whole wide world and will not leave until the job is done. If any of you have ever experienced this you know what I am talking about. It is cool to walk into the hospital and see all of the companies that donate there money. There are a lot of families that cannot afford these high bills ,but these children we are talking about could possibly be the future of this track. I Challenge everyone to donate, I know I will that night." If you want to donate to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital on race night. Stop by the Office at the track or Call them at 643-8725. You can even email Tj at


Anonymous said...

I would like to see everyone help with this fund raiser. Its good to see the racers help in every which way that they can.

Grider Racing # 30

Anonymous said...

it would nice to see if BB would do something like this, this friday night and then send it to the rim and combine it with what the raise. maybe someone could talk to dallas about this and see what he thinks about it.(Odell sounds like a good job for you) it's always great when you can help out young children in a situation that this. all the drivers need to think about this and maybe donate atleast part of thier winnings friday night to this cause.

Anonymous said...

Hey it is Tj from highland Rim,

That would be great if BB would raise money for the Hospital. This night means something special to me. I hope everyone will donate. My son will be there on Saturday and I am really excited He is Healthy. These are my first children and I never knew they would mean so much to me like they do. They have changed my life. Thanks for the comments on this. If you know of anyone that would like to donate email me at

Tammyjo said...

I hope we can do something like this at BBR too. I will be willing to help out if needed.

ANG85 said...

It would be great to see all the drivers and fans step up for a great cause as this one. I know I would be there to donate time and money.

Anonymous said...

yea that would be nice if dallas would consider that i think have a big late mmodel race or some big race and before the racc take their helments around and un the stands and collect some money i would like to see this happen in the future
