Sunday, August 31, 2008


With about 4 or 5 groups mad at each other, what will tonight bring? Will anyone get the other back? We need to stick to racing guys, but if there is any fighting or problems of any kind I will report it for you readers as soon as I have it. See you after the races tonight!


Born2race said...

It is a shame how Matt Melton has acted. I believe he is doing this because he is a minor and he knows that nobody can touch him. His actions were very disgraceful and really uncalled for. I hope he learns how to behave before becoming an adult because he might get himself hurt with his childish ways.

rick said...

in reply to the last comment,you werent wrong but you cant blame him.ive been racing at bbr for a long time and know his family.his mother was a super nice woman and would do anything for you when she could,she is deeply missed by bbr and all of us who got to know her,his father at one time was a good driver too.but when you let your CHILD do what he wants and say what he wants like matt does in front of merle,thats his dads fault,and its his dad thats going to get him a father of 2 and would never let my kids say the stuff ive heard matte say to an adult.he's just lucky he's picking on someone who is a clean driver and doesnt want to hurt anybody.i also want to apologize to the willis crew for jumping on the melton bandwagon early in the season,you all were right when you said they would either buy you or wreck you out to win a championship.merle i hope your parenting skills improve and matt i hope judging by the way you drive that your roll cage is strong.your losing friend's faster than your little race car can run.

Unknown said...

I agree with the last 2 comments myself...and would also like to mention that this matt kid likes to talk big about what HE is going to do, but in the long run pussed out and had someone else do the dirty work for him...WAY TO MAN UP MATT....seems to me you won't go far in life..and your FATHER should be PROUD! Apples don't fall far from the tree it appears because he allows you to act like this! What goes around comes around as they say and looks like you are gonna have alot coming your way if you continue to behave like this! Kudos to you for the BIG PUSS AWARD!If your gonna talk the talk, then walk the walk...and fight your own battles that you started to begin with!

David Alessio said...

Well its a sad day when kids are led down the WRONG path in life and basically told to deliberatally hurt someone INTENTIALLY. Matts Dad shows he,s either real stupid , or just another David Johnson ,You know #4.
Daddy you seem like a bright man to tell your son to practically injure someone and then laugh about it. I visit prisons quite often and there are brighter people incarserated than you are. I hope if someone gets hurt its Matt, only then will you laugh.
Oh yeah Matt, stick up for your self puss!!!!