Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Odell Paul is at home but will have to have one or more surgery's.I attached some photo's of the accident it will make you wonder how he survived. Paul would like to thank every body for calling, it meant a lot to find out that you have so many friends. It will be several months before his recovery will be complete we won't race any more this year but we will be back next season.Paul has two broken bones in his right leg and a small blood clot in his lung. Paul's leg has not been set at this time we go back to Vanderbilt on the 21st of August.Paul says Thanks
_______________ From the Watkins family we would like to thank all the Parimendics, Air Evac, Emergency Department, and Firemen who removed Paul from his truck with out there help my son would not be here today. We take what some people do for granted but it takes a special person to do what they do. Thank God Paul is alive, and that we have men and women who put there self in danger to make our lives better.
______________ Odell please lets not for get this great Country we live in and when you see some one in the Military we should say thank you for our freedom because it don't come free. Hope God touches every one in one way or another. Thank you Johnny


ANG85 said...

I am glad to hear that Paul is home to begin his recovery. Even though he and his family has a long road ahead, with all the thoughts and prayers behind them, Paul should be just fine. By the looks of the pictures he is a lucky man. I agree with Johnny when he says that we need to give appreciation to all the men and women that serve our country for us and provide the medical services we may some day need. They really do have a special soul within them.

Tammyjo said...

I am so happy to hear that Paul is going to be o.k. I don't know Paul personally, but I have watched him race for a long time. I stood up on the steps with Tristian to watch his Daddy race, and I can remember being that age and watching my Daddy. Tristian would tell me all about his things that he and his Daddy do like Karate, or something like Karate where you get different belts. My sister said that she would see Paul at the games coaching his son's team. You can't hardly find Daddy's like that anymore. I also want to add that our medical services do not get the recognition they deserve, and if it weren't for special people like them, our country would be in a world of hurt. I also want to let all of my family know that reads this that I love them more than words can say!

timmy d said...

paul,hope to see you soon dude,man i didnt realy know how bad it was until i saw the pics,hope you and the family all the best and godspeed,love ya dawg timmy