Sunday, August 22, 2010

Willis vs Sanders

Chad Willis #19, Hunter Willis #9 and Sammy Sanders #12 in the late model race. What did you see and what is your opinion? Remember to keep your post Clean or it will not be posted. (Click on the word comments to post your view)


Anonymous said...

i seen where willis was mirror driving sanders the whole way, everytime sanders would come up on the high side willis would come up on him. Same thing that #14 davey coble does when he is in front of Sanders i guess they were worried they couldnt hold sanders off. if willis wouldnt have drove dirty with the mirror driving sammy would have caught willis #1

Anonymous said...

you call that racing come on to send one car out to block for the other is being a coward work on your car!!!!! then to celebrate like you accomplished something is pathetic!!!WORK ON YOUR CAR!!!!if you cannot fix it go ask SAMMY he might help you NOT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

was a good race glad 2c chad willis n victory lane!!!

Anonymous said...

The Willis's had that all planned out. Chad up front Hunter second to slow down the pack. Great job Sammy! The Willis's got what they asked for. :)

Anonymous said...

Sanders You know you are #1 let the little boys play there games The stands knows what happen Willis play fair or go home >

Anonymous said...

How could the willis's be proud? Takes two to beat one... Maybe if the Willis's put the time and effort in that the 12 team does then they could be contenders and not pretenders!!!

Anonymous said...

I think hunter was just raceing for his spot and just gave chad enough time to run off with it

Anonymous said...

I think that hunter was just racing for his position on the track but in the mean time it look like he was holding sammy up for his older brother chad to run of with the race in Tim's car but really just think the truth is that hunter was racing for his spot on the track

Anonymous said...

Since when are you suppose to just lay over and let someone pass? If Hunter mirror drove and held him off then he did what he was suppose to. I wonder if any of you thought it was so awful when Dale Earnhardt did it for years.

Anonymous said...

chad,good job little buddy,1st place is 1st place no matter how you see it or how you done it,and if all sammy could do is follow chad and not go on the outside,then maybe sammy could learn from chad,and the willis clan works on there cars all day every day,so dont say that they dont because if u go by there shop u will see it first hand!!!! GOOD JOB CHAD

Anonymous said...

We are not talking about laying over and letting someone pass! Hunter was running whatever line Sammy was running. The Willis's had it planned from the start of the race. Hunter needs to eat concrete and he will think twice before blocking again!

Anonymous said...

I think that hunter was just driving his line and blocking like he sould and pretty much i am say yes he as racing for his potion on the track and thats what i think but in the mean time it gave his brother chad in tim deweese late model eough time to run off with the race.

Anonymous said...

If the Willis's are working on there car like the 12 team is, then they need new brain's working on them, they are still 4 tenths off the pace! They only way they can beat the 12 car is to double team him! Not gonna work going forward, TRUST ME!

Anonymous said...

I personally think that both Sanders and Willis have talent to do what they do. I believe willis could learn alot from Sanders because he has had so much experience behind a the wheel! They both deserve credit for what they do! Sammy Sanders is an amazing racer. I saw a post on here that said Work on your car and if cannot fix it go ask Sammy he might help you and then the person who wrote this comment said NOT! Well I have to disagree totally with that statement. Sammy would help anyone who asked him for help! Sammy is a amazing racer but even a more amazing human being. Congrats to Sammy Sanders for all of the races he has won and Congrats to Chad Willis for his race he won!