Tuesday, August 24, 2010


It was brought to my attention about another site. This site is about many different things.  However, someone has made a couple of threads (comments) about local racing.  It has made it look as if I made a post. I have never and will never make a post on that site.  The site I am talking about uses some very nasty language and things not even related to racing about people's personal life's.  I try very hard to keep this site respectful.  It sounds like someone is very jealous of this site.  To all the our readers, thanks for stopping by to view our stories.  Oh, before I close, thank you Bobbie Stancil and Edith Fish for bringing this to my attention. 


Anonymous said...

Hey its Edith king now

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about people odell! Just keep doing what you are doing! All of us love your site! It helps us stay posted on everything that happens in the racing world!

Odell Turner said...

Sorry Edith! I knew that, just wasn't thinking.

Odell Turner said...

Anonymous, Thanks for the nice comment.

Anonymous said...

hey odell can u please get more pictures of the figure 8 cars