Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cline vs Washer

Rita Cline #69 and Van Washer #X15 wreck. What did you see and what is your opinion? Remember to keep your post Clean or it will not be posted. (Click on the word comments to post your view)


Anonymous said...

I thought VAn had a good car. And I like rita to. But it is crazy to tares each others cars up. You work hard all week long. And some body tares your car up. It was wrong in rita. So hopefully they will work there problems out. Thats what has happen over the years. Thats why we lost a lot of racers at Beech Bend. Because of all the fights.Get out there and have fun thats what it is all about. Having fun and racing.

Anonymous said...

Ok, well, for one thing, anyone that knows the least bit about racing and race cars knows that you CAN NOT just stop on a dime! Not gonna happen. Yes, Rita did make the mistake of going into turn 3 too hard and caused a wreck, but what Washer did was not called for! Rita or anyone else does not deserve to have that happen to them, regardless of the situation!! So, in other words, you are saying that if he had killed her that it would be justifiable because she spun him while racing? What every driver needs to remember is that they are in a race car. they are racing, and accidents will happen more often than not. If they can not accept that then they have no place in racing! Just my opinion...

Anonymous said...

there is to much money envolved, time and labor, as a car owner it's a bunch b/s, If you cannot bring your car to the track and be proud of what you brung then you need to stay home, if the car is better than your's, you need not try to take him or her out, you might just get a real lesson in what racing migt be all about, this is suppose to be fun, it's not NASCAR you don't get what they get for purses\'s and finishe's and DNF'S so why can't you except if someone else is better or have a HOTTER and BETTER CAR than YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN BE TAUGHT THE HARD WAY!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rita you are over acting out there honey stop and look at what you are doing to your car and others cars Just race woman your good but you do put on a hell of a show for us out there :)

Anonymous said...

cant stop on a dime??? she was slowed down enough that she didnt have 2run up over the left front of the 15car and get her car up on 3wheels!!! that stuff was all wreck'n rita the spinner runny's fault!:):)

Anonymous said...

enough that she didnt have 2run up over the left front of the 15car and get her car up on 3wheels!!! that stuff was all wreck'n rita the spinner runny's fault!:):)

My view from the pits...he cut back into her, putting her up on '3 wheels'...which was actually 2! So, either way, she was just suppose to "stop", right?! Buy her some top notch brakes and she I assume she won't have that problem anymore...

Anonymous said...

Rita has spun more people out then she has passed! Enough said...

Anonymous said...

rita was most likely D.U.I again on the track, if she wasnt, then the real truth is, she just cant drive!!!!