Sunday, August 22, 2010

Melton vs Reynolds

Wreck with #11 Matt Melton and #11 Mark Reynolds.  What did you see and what is your opinion? Remember to keep your post Clean or it will not be posted. (Click on the word comments to post your view)


Anonymous said...

matt needs 2meet w/the concrete!!!

wifesbeetr said...

Matt is still young and has alot to learn about racing, he can drive and he obviously loves the sport but part of the sport is learning... Both Mark Reynolds and Mark Marr have been doing this a long time, they love the sport and have alot of experience, they realize that a real challenge is racing someone clean, seeing what the car is really made of and being proud of both building the car and driving the car. All the drama that racing dirty creates only puts $ in Dallas Jones pocket : the crowd loves the drama...If you have to intentionally wreck someone to win then you really didn't win at all... but Matt will learn that someday...maybe. The week before was a great race: Rita Cline and Mark Reynolds had a great competition going, raced clean, crowd still got to watch an exciting race and both drivers and pit crews came away a winner.
Matt, whats the thrill of putting someone in the wall? You weren't out front, all that wasn't going to make a difference. Racing is a costly sport and eventually actions like that will bite you in the butt... ask the previous driver of the # 11 car... his actions like that cost him the championship last year... ask him if it was woth it. If you really love stock car racing prove it... prove you can build one... prove you can drive one. Congratulations to Mark Reynolds and Mark Marr.... a car well built and well driven.

Anonymous said...

Reynolds needs to give that car seat back to danny marr Melton you are acting like rita you will meet your match soon sorry but truth hurts

Anonymous said...

Well Reynolds , wat do u expect,, u kept ramming the back of Matts car i'n the corners , did u expect Matt to just let u drive bye him ??? See u met the concrete huh! There's 2 other 11 cars out there besides Reynolds ,, start your rough driving again. Might not be any 11 cars left ,,, to finish the race. Danny Marr ,, I guess u need a cookie or bozo button for your accomplishments for last year,, u accomplished ALL that. , and still didn't win the championship!!! Lmao !!! Your attitude sucks and soo does your brother. I don't blame the owner not to let u drive it,, I wouldn't let u ride my kids tricycle ,,, Danny u and Rita are the 2 roughest drivers out there. Then when someone pays u back,, you and your brother cry like lil babies,,, I think the next trophy y'all need is a pacifier ,,, quit crying put your big boy pants on not the pull- ups your wearing now,, I think it's time to change your attitude Iran pull- up. Thank you for taking the time to read this Danny Marr,, Your mouthy brother,and Mark Reynolds,,

Anonymous said...

dont worry, his time will come! it will stink when it hits the fan!

Anonymous said...

Haha i already have do you recall last year when danny in that exact same car put me and tony rothe in the wall. Well i do and thats why that car went in the wall last race. Also he wouldn't stay off me in the turns when i was trying to stay off the cars in front of me. All i can say is payback sucks and thats what i got on mark marr last race. I had nothing against the guy driving. I don't care if jeff gordon was driving that car they put me in the wall last year so i put them in the wall this year.
Matt Melton #11

Anonymous said...

rubb'n is racin, as long as he didnt hit u roll'n n2 the turn. hit'n u thru the middle and off the turns is text book short track racing!also u clipped the right rear of the 14 car spinning him accross the track n front of the other cars u did that, call it lack of experience,or just plan old dirty driven!!! also son i've won more races than u or that washed up idiot u call daddy ever will!!! not 2mention track championships @ 2different tracks yall dont own anything that can or could run w/me!!BEAU MITCHELL

Anonymous said...

your tricycle would have a better finish than u driving or ur rugrats. you look nice on the sidelines with ur paccy and pull ups.

Anonymous said...

Matt, get ur story right, look like u took out the 44 car and urself, when taking the green flag stay in ur lane and turn left instead of right. Also thanks for the laughs the nite u tried to take out Danny, straight in turn 1 will not work, learn to turn left. The real #11 car might just put in the wall, remember how it felt!!!!

Anonymous said...

actually the 14 car cut me off when i went underneath him on the restart yal already said we don't bump enough at beech bend so i didn't let out if he would use his mirrors he wouldn't have spun i'm not goin the let out when i and goin under someone OFF the turn i would if i was goin in the turn but not off. As for last year danny said he had no brakes and battled with it in practice. You can ask me rita and tony it was danny that put us in the wall last year but he still didn't win he couldn't keep up with that 44 car of tony rothe
Matt Melton #11

Jason said...

Well I have enjoyed watching Matt improve this year, but this past Friday He was out of control and I hope the Owensboro guys don't stay away because of it all. I know they are not scared, but who wants to let someone tear their cars up for no reason. Oh I saw where Matt said #11 was bumping you in the turn!!!So what!! Does that mean you shove them into the wall and total their car and possibly your own car!!?? Come on I understand getting frustrated if someone drives you dirty or if you get beat by the same car every week. But thats not what this crap was about. To be honest I think most people were really surprised and don't know what it WAS about! Matt if you read this I hope after what you done Friday that everything can be worked out and we can see some good racing, but I would not blame the TWO groups you pissed off one bit for making them have to Tow your car off the track on a flat bed when we do return to the track! Good Luck to all involved!! Oh and Matt if that is really your posting on here talking back about why you took out the #11 and the problem you have with them, then WHY in the world would you not go to your pits until they had loaded and left the pits? Just something I noticed and a question for you.

Anonymous said...

matt ol boy all i got to say is mark never touched u once that whole race and for your information i do believe danny marr isnt in that car thank u just because he wanted to bump u last year doesnt mean he can this year u better watch what u say or do because mark reynolds wont play that dirty driving crap u might end up in the wall next time kid and your reall lucky all he threw was the steering wheel if it were me i would have jerked u up out of the car if it were me and good job for not parking ur car over there by your dad after the race because you might have gotten hurt when u got out and another hint for u matt drive ur car clean and mark reynolds wont mess with u, sorry but next race u dug your own grave the next race mark prolly wont be so nice next time buddy lmao i wont say i told u so afterwards

Anonymous said...

all i can say bout this race is what goes around comes around lets wait till next race and see what happens