Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beech Bend Raceway Track Record Holders as of 8-13-10

Late Model: Sammy Sanders #12                             15.721 Week 6 6-11-10

Front Runner Figure-8: Mark Cummings #A1         23.495 Week 5 5-31-10

Sportsman: William Johnson #6                               17.241 Week 4 4-23-10

Modified Street: Mark Reynolds #11                          18.653 Week 10 8-6-10*

Front Runner: Tommy Hoover #23                        19.027 Week 8 7-4-10

All-American Bomber: David Harrod #21             20.350 Week 2 4-9-10

Baby Grand Pro: Billy Mahoney #6                         16.990 Week 4 4-23-10




Anonymous said...

old mark looked good racin the other nite he made a beautiful cross over move btween corners 3&4 he most definently used his experience against the guys & girls he was racin against!!!! it would b nice 2c him n 1 of those sportsman cars of his brother jimmy's!!!!! congrats on the win mark! a fan n the stands


Glad to see the REAL 11 car out again! Good job POPS and good choice on the DRIVER!Mr REYNOLDS can sure bring out the best in a car.

Anonymous said...

great choice w/drivers but w/that kind of a driver y didnt u put the recapp tires on it & run it w/the sportsman cars?

Rat P oision said...

What happened to the other guy that used to try and drive this car?

Anonymous said...

The Rat must have got in a trap!

Anonymous said...

Last year, I drove in 12 races, won 9, and had 3 2nd place finishes,also won 5 in a row. So rat poision, where did you finish? Most likely last or 1 lap down! Or you sat on the side line! The 11 car is a proven winner and thanks to my brother J. Marr, for the magic touch on this car!
Danny Marr

RAT POISON said...

And u still beat yourself outta the championship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DECON said...

Come on Danny dont you think that its alil late to give thx and or credit to the ONE and only person that MADE you track champion and dealt with the doom and gloom attitude you HAVE on a daily basis?!?!And since u finally chimed in why excactly are you not driving the car this year?Can u man up and answer that question for all your fans that u thought u had?

Anonymous said...

Well once again no update here on this (drag racing site,) soo anyone ANYONE tell us what happened i'n modified street?? I heard there was 12 cars ?? And I heard the REAL 11 car haha got stuffed i'n the wall?? Wonder why that happened,, he should of been put i'n the wall last year the way he drove .

Anonymous said...

I think you so called side line drivers or want too be, when you respond on this site try putting your real names on here or are you scared or ashamed of your name or who you really are. Sounds like you have a sick and confused life! Decon, too who ever you are, the doom and gloom comes from sick people like you. So man up yourself with your real name or keep your mouth SHUT! I know what I can on the track, how about you?So are you about to man up or not?Ask my brother why and maybe he will tell the truth! Rat poision, the GROVERAT finished in front of the rat poision car each time I drove the 11 car!
Danny Marr, The GROVERAT

Turn 1 said...

Come on now folks he is having a hard time so lets cut him some slack.Besides its not polite to pick on SPECIAL people!

Hadley Horror said...

Ok Danny at this point do YOU of all people really wanna start comparing and commenting on other peoples lifes?!?!?AND AS FAR AS sideline or bench racers go, excactly which catergory do you see yourself in at the present point in time?Stop embarrasing yourself.You do not have the mental capacity to race right now even if you could afford it!Word round town is that your plate is full enuff!

Anonymous said...

I dont have to compare anything, just stating facts, also good to see The 11 CAR with the checkerd flag again!!! Way to go MARK REYNOLDS. Without a dought, that SMITHS GROVE HOT ROD will see that flag again. I know J.marr will have it ready to go again!

Anonymous said...

oh he will definitly have the car going again he aint gonna let a little punk like matt melton do his car like that and get away with and a definit congrats to mark reynolds for showing good driving and sportsmanship on the track thats a dang good driver and it really wouldnt surprise me to see that car in victory lane again and wont be the last this year as long as j.marr and mark reynolds keeps it up

Anonymous said...

awesome race mark reynolds cant wait to see the upcomiung race on september 3 itll be a darn good one fromt he looks of the crowd from last race.
J.Marr Jr