Friday, May 7, 2010


This was taken on Monday 5-3-10, first day of the river flooding the drag track at Beech Bend.  I shot this from the bottom end of the drag track.  I could not get a shot from the start line, the water was over my head and I'm six foot tall.  For you that have drag raced here, know what I'm trying to show you.  The stands to your left in the pits is just about covered.
I took this today, from the top of the track.  Where I'm standing to shoot this shot on Monday, would have been over my head.  Look at the track today!  It's taking shape very quickly.  Lots of employee's working hard to clean up this mess.  First, it's clean up, then access the damage then start the repairs.  Anyway, it's looking more like racing ever day.  I'm looking forward to getting back to the races.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ohh thank god i can sleep now pins and needles up here in decatur, IL track looks good flat and clean we were woried the water would push the concreet up in spots i am so bringing the mustangs in october