Sunday, May 30, 2010


They have called for cars to get ready to race again.  I know if you are reading all these blogs it may seem as if I'm am drunk. After a lengthy down time and track clean-up we may be racing again.  I will have to say that the crew from Beech Bend and the NHRA folks have tried their very best to get this show in.  Got to get on the track for photos.  Back with more soon!


BGgirl said...

Just wanted to say thanks for your blog this weekend! I was back and forth between the track and other events going on this weekend. I checked your posts frequently to keep up to speed on what I was missing! Thanks!

Odell Turner said...

First let me say thanks to you BGgirl. I'm glad that you could use this blog to stay updated. Also I'm happy to get some involvement from drag racers and fans of the drags. Please feel free to post your comments or email me a story to be posted at anytime. Again, thanks BGgirl!