Sunday, June 7, 2009


If I were to give out an award for the racer of the night, it may surprise you! I have watched racing for years and this driver did one of the best jobs I've seen in years. No, he didn't win. I know enough suspense, OK. My award for "HARD CHARGER" of this week goes to none other than, Baby Grand Pro Series driver #84 Dr. Jack "Doc" Buzzard. Doc lead most of the race only to be passed on the last lap. Congratulations Doc with a great second place finish! (NOTE: Sorry this award comes with no trophy or money. Just recognition!)


Anonymous said...

good job doc!

#10checkwritter said...

Since you did so good Is it wing time yet. Cong. you are finally moving up. HaHa

Anonymous said...

that was the best little car race ive ever seen at bbr way to make sum noise boys

Anonymous said...

also the sportsman and bombers were exciting

Anonymous said...

way to go doc. i guess that go kart expierence helps. great job, spivey williams.

ANG85 said...

Congrats, Doc! Sorry we weren't there to see you have such a great run. The race we did get to catch the year, you were looking pretty sporty. Keep up the good work! You'll be in victory lane before you know it!!

Not to take anything away from you, Doc but I thought since we are on the subject of "Hard Chargers" I'd share this with you all. A few weeks ago when Doodle ran the IOFS race at KMS, he was awarded the Hard Charger Award. As a result, the IOFS did a story on Doodle. The story is on the cover page of the IOFS website. I think that Dave Sink (the writer) did a great job on the story. I'm very proud of Doodle and think he did a great job representing BG & BBR.

Go to WWW.IOFSRACING.COM to check it out.

docracing said...

Hey, Odell..thanks for the commendation, but, you could still buy me a dozen wangs....and bring along my ole' favorite friend, "Bud", right buddy...

Thanks everyone else for the adda-boys. appreciate it...maybe that one person who is a "Miller fan club will more over to mine!!!!"

Thanks again,
