Monday, September 3, 2007


Ricky Dickens #28 wins the Figure-8 race. Then Ricky makes a class act by giving his trophy to our track photographer Bobbie Stancil who is having some health problems. You are what racer's are all about Ricky. Good Job on the win!


#10checkwritter said...

Ricky and the Dickens Gang I would love to thank you all very much for the trophey. I don't do enough for the drivers, family, and friends like what the drivers does for me. I care very much for racing and I wish that I could do more for the drivers. I will always be a race fan and I will alway hold Beech Bend and the drivers close to my heart. I missed being there Friday night and Sunday night I was there but I was not getting around much. I hope by this Friday night I can have the table set back up, video, and pictures but if I can not then I know I have plenty of help. I would like to thanks Angie Dickens and Lisa Russell again for there help. Again Ricky, Diane, and the Dickens Gang thanks for trophey it is in the living room and Joey has told everyone that it is mine and that Ricky Dickens gave it to me. Thanks to Beech Bend Racing Family and Friends. Bobbie Stancil

video sucks said...
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