Sunday, September 16, 2007


rick has left a new comment on your post "POSTED 7/21/07 BEECH BEND RACEWAY'S FRONT RUNNER ...": first of all,let me tell you who i the driver of the 109 car(the idiot,moron,man with issues).to reply to your comments,yes i fixed my car to get tony,yes i said i was going to get him,and yes i did it on purpose.but i guess all of you have forgot the fact that he hit me exactly the same way in the exact same place on my car in the x a month earlier and my car didnt break in two.leading up to that night tony had hit me several times before.however since then tony and i have spoke and we have shook hands,tony is a great guy and a good driver. to the comment about building a safe car,he said that car was put together with bailing wire and he wasnt done yet,so get your facts right first.second,tony also said he did push me that night and couldnt tell me why he did it.and last but not least,i didnt know his car would do that and yes it scared me to death.tony and i will not have any problems like this again because we both agree we didnt act like adults that night.especially me,im glad he's ok and i did apologize to him and his family and for the people in the stands that night,i apologize to you because that is not how i normaly drive.its easy to sit in the stands and say you wont do what i did,i dont think i'll ever do that again but at the same time i wont be spun intentionally by anybody without at least giving them a bump or two.again im glad tony is ok and that we have put this to bed between us and we can race again. FIRST LET ME SAY, RICK NEVER ASK ME TO POST THIS COMMENT. I READ THIS AND IT WAS MADE TONIGHT 9-16-07 BUT HE COMMENTED UNDER AN OLD POST BACK IN JULY. I WAS AFRAID THAT MANY OF YOU WOULD NOT LOOK BACK THAT FAR. I KNOW RICK, BUT NOT VERY WELL, JUST BASICALLY WHEN I SEE HIM. I HAVE RACED OFF AND ON FOR YEARS AND HAVE BEEN MAD OR INTO IT WITH A RACER OR TWO. LET ME SAY THIS AND IT IS JUST MY OPINION BUT RICK AS FAR AS I SEE IT YOU ARE A VERY BIG MAN BY SAYING THAT YOU ARE SORRY. YOU HAVE MY RESPECT NOT THAT I AM ANYONE OR THAT YOU NEED MY RESPECT. I ALSO KNOW THAT BY YOU SAYING THIS, IS NO WAY AN INDICATION THAT IF SOMEONE ROUGHS YOU UP THAT YOU ARE GOING TO JUST LET THEM RUN OVER YOU. I WOULD LIKE TO SAY TO ALL YOU DRIVERS AND FANS TO LEAVE A COMMENT TO RICK AND TOLD HIM THANKS FOR BEING A REAL MAN. ODELL

1 comment:

sambrysmom said...

Way to go Rick. Show them all your a big man. To all of you who don't know this man, don't judge him b/c he is a good guy. I have gotten to know him well and I would trust this man with anything. He will help anyone he can and if he personally can't help, he will find someone who will. We all live in Portland and are just learning about this website (or at least 5 of us are) and I give this man a lot of respect b/c as soon as he found all the nasty stuff that has been said about him, he reponded to it. Rick would never intentionally hurt anyone and I know that what happened that night could have been a whole lot worse and thank god it wasn't but these guy's have got to build their cars better and remember that SAFTY COMES FIRST. It would have happened sooner or later anyway if you just think about it. These guy's take a chance in the 8 every week and noone think's about that.