Saturday, September 1, 2007


The points battle heats up in the modified street class. Going into this Friday's race #48 Anthony Russell had a one point lead in the championship points standings. But Friday night got ruff between first place in points Anthony and second place #44 Tony Rothe. I ask several fans what they saw and I got a lot of different opinion's. One was that Tony started it by blocking and carrying Anthony down to the inside of the track, other's said Tony was only trying to hold his line. Others said Anthony was driving way too ruff spinning #44 two times. I have no ties or money in either car and this is only my opinion. I didn't see Tony block or do anything other than hold his line. I did see Anthony in turn four get into the back of Tony coming off turn four and hit Tony getting him way side ways and never backing off the throttle and just kept the #44 going side ways to take the lead but was put to the back with the #44. And on the last lap after Anthony had spun Tony twice and made both of them go to the back, the last lap with Anthony in the rear of Tony he bump #44 again and got him somewhat out of shape and then from where I stood which was by where they come off the track it look like Anthony again laid into Tony and kinda bulldozer his way up to the side of #44 and then it did like like Tony said enough and cut left into Anthony, so that Tony could hold on to the position. Now men I don't what you guys to get mad at me because this is just my opinion and I have that right. I also know that as a driver that things are different out on the track than we the fan see. Plus hey this is a tough battle for a championship and it should be wild. Go luck to both of you guys, Tony and Anthony!


48 guy said...
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48 guy said...

Rothe maybe if u would have not put hammerhead in the infield at the beginning of the race maybe this would have not happen. Plus when someone has there nose to your door and u cut them off (Maybe hammerhead though that was his line since he had his nose to your(Rothe) door.(Hint to Mr. Odell) Plus when u race u do not come to a dead stop like rothe did in turn 3. That was done on purpose. (to put Hammerhead out)That how i seen it

Randy Wells Racing said...

good race guys but remember taking each other out isnt the way you want to win a championship.

44 ways to win... said...

i guess when anthony started pushing me in the corners punting my rear end every corner that was ok huh... well why didnt he go on the outside? if hes all that fast? instead he tried running me over in the corners..i had my line covered then when he couldnt get bye he knocked the hell out of my rear end ,, pushed me throught the corners still couldnt get bye.. then i guess he decided to take me out twice...NICE DRIVING,, then after all that crap he tries to push me outta the way and go around.. hell nooo that aint flyingu get what u dish out.. soo if ya wanna play rough in that fiberglass body car then...,.lets see my car has a dent in the quarter panel,, we all see what your car looks like,, soo do it again anthony,,ohh about what u said he had his line when his nose of his car was to my door... yes it WAS! didnt stay there long did it,,drive me rough again ,,,,AND DONT U OR YOUR CREW EVER GO GETTING IN MY FACE WHEN IM WALKING WITH MY DAUGHTER AGAIN ,, UNDERSTAND,, THERES A TIME AND PLACE FOR EVERYTHING,, THAT WAS SORRY THEN SEND SOME OLD MAN DOWN TO WERE I WAS SITTING WITH MY FAMILY IN THE GRANDSTANDS TO START A FIGHT WITH ME LMAO.,, YOUR A REAL CLASS ACT!

bwmw said...

lets race guys