Saturday, September 15, 2007


Mark Oliver #25 wins the late model race. Mark led all 30 laps. As I stated last week, I ran a poll question that said, Could anyone beat Bo Miller with three race to go? Well last week Tommy Climer won and this week Mark look impressive and wins. Bo did have to start in the rear. I don't know why he did but was told that he had to start in the rear because he was a full second faster that any other car in his class at qualifying. But Bo usually comes from the back and still wins. Is something wrong with Bo's car? or is other drivers just stepping up to the plate? I think that the other drivers have seen that if they slow down and hold their line on the inside and make Bo go on the outside they have a better chance to win. Coming out of turn four Tommy and Mark would slow and hold the car low and tight to the inside and Bo could not get under them as he has done all year. That is what I saw and this is only my opinion. So let's see will Bo win the last race or will some one new win? This is a fun race to watch as of late. Good job, Mark!


BG dealer said...
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Odell Turner said...

Bo was told he had to start in the back because he won the majority of the races at BBR which thats a load of crap as far a passing the other drivers Tommy Climer ran Bo into the infield on the front stretch so he didnt pass him. Bo has had some problems with his car but are all worked out and if Dallas keeps his word and races the last race heads up Bo will leave the field... But he can pass anyone anywhere on the track when he wants when he isnt having car problems.. But since this is going to be deleted by the Editor If the other drivers think they are so fast and so good why is it that Bo always whoops thier butt almost every Friday Night and at Highland Rim they banned him from bringing his Ford Fusion because it was so fast whats next BBR tell him he has to start in the back every Fri night 2 laps down well guess what he would still beat their butts Go BO Go (THIS POST WAS BY bg dealer, I just cleaned up a couple of words because they have the right to express their opinion, but seems to not be able to respect others and children that get on my site. Odell.)