Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tommy Hoover's new look for 2011


Jason said...

Looks like a nice car to claim! LOL
Nice Looking Car.

Anonymous said...

lets get it started would be worth a 1000 for sure

Anonymous said...


Jason said...

Some people have a budget, but I agree I raced a few years in the front runner and the last couple in the Bomber and I hate the claim rule. I really wish they would do away with it and have a strict rule book. I like Tommy Hoover and I love his new car, but nobody likes the same winner every week. And nobody likes getting beat every week by the same car when you know what all you have put into your own car! Good Luck Tommy and all the other front runner drivers...My favorite Class

bryan said...

your right jason i know ive raced there for a yr in the front runners and maybe be back this yr if i can get the cat done

bryan said...

your right jason i know ive raced there for a yr in the front runners and maybe be back this yr if i can get the cat done

Lori said...

All I have to say is that my husband does not have this make believe unlimited budget that you all think he does. We walk through pull-a-part to get all the parts and he does all the work himself. This is not a new car, he just fixed up his old one. And for those who think that its the car and not the driver, I haven't seen the 8C car win a race since Curtis sold it! I posted these pic of Tommy's car on Facebook for our friends to see, not to be posted on a blog for a bunch of haters. I have always loved coming to BBR, win or lose but it only takes a few to ruin a good thing. Good luck to everybody this year. Hopefully the car count will be up and we will have some great racing. I'm excited to get the season started.

bryan said...

well lori i wasnt saying anything bad about tommy or the car. Ive always got along with tommy hes a good driver and he knows his stuff and i dont like anybody to get bought exp. friends!

bryan said...

well lori i wasnt saying anything bad about tommy or the car. Ive always got along with tommy hes a good driver and he knows his stuff and i dont like anybody to get bought exp. friends!

Jason said...

Lori I to have no problem with Tommy or his car. Like I said I really just wish they would have a strict rule book and no claim rule. Then there would be no reason for cry babies like me or anyone else. But since there is a claim rule, if I did all I could do to my car and kept getting beat by the same car every week, I would claim that car if I had the money for the claim which I never had during my race days. Once again I do not think anybody has anything against Tommy. Seems to be one of the nicest guys out there, just happens to have the fastest car too, which gets everyones attention. And once again Good Luck Tommy. Not a hater. Just want to see some good racing!

Tommy said...

bryan and jason i have nothing against either one of yall the one that these comments is directed to is not responding.but on the rule i got one question.if you have a car that is so fast,what happened to the day where you put a bounty on a car to try and build a class up instead of putting claims that i believe will tear the class apart.i love racing at bbr and have no problem with anyone i race with and will be there each week and will enjoy it just want everyone to be happy. see everyone in a couple of weeks.