Friday, March 25, 2011

Day One at the AMRA all Harley Drags and Rally.

Photos Courtesy of PBO

I was at Beech Bend Raceway today and this is what I saw.  Not alot going on due to the rain and cold weather moving through Bowling Green, Ky.  However, there were several drag bikes in Bowling Green for the super bad fast Harley drags.  Teams from MI., IN., TN., and more.  Campers with tents and RV's in the camp ground ready for the races and party.  The last report I saw is calling for rain most of the day tomorrow (Saturday).  Sunday is looking better as of the last report.  On Sunday it is just going to be cloudy (maybe?).  So cross your fingers that we get to see the most awesome Harley's on the planet. Check back on this site for more updates as soon as we get them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn Rain...Boo