Monday, April 12, 2010


 Photos Courtesy of Margaret Turner-PBO Media Productions

I would like to thank C & P Racing for their hospitality to us (Odell & Margaret) PBO Media Productions.  It was hot and we were trying to get some really good shoots of the Frank Kimmel and ARCA races.  C & P Racing let us use their gazebo for shade.  They gave us drinks and were very kind.  For me, this is what racing is all about.  Sure, I love to see the cars go fast and compete, but the friendship is by far the best thing about the family of racing.  Thanks to Jerry, Linda, Robert and Amanda Cohron, Jay, Joann and David Parrish, Ricky Jones of C & P Racing.  Oh yeah, Doodle too!


Anonymous said...

Mr. Turner where have all the good guys in racing gone? I mean a few years ago there were oodles of cars and great people who would give you the shirt off their backs to help you race.Now adays all you here is how this one is gonna get that one and negativity everywhere .why? Where have all the heroes gone? And with them gone what are our children looking up to and learning from? I love racing i love competition so please someone somewhere save racing it would be such a loss to lose it forever

docracing said...

Odell, looks like you are posing for a centerfold edition of......

Anonymous said...

people are just way too serious and worried about winning, that is not what racing should be just about. i would think it would be about getting out there and giving it your best shot with what you have to offer. there should be more nice, respectful, kind, example setting guys/gals in racing ESPECIALLY at BBR

Anonymous said...

FOr once I agree the good guys should come back Dallas lower prices make the divisions fair and affordable racers start respecting yourselves your competitors and racing itself let's bring back the good ole days before racing is replaced with some more profitable attraction cause I already see it in Dallas eyes he's scheming we need to move fast but niceness needs to become an epidemic

Unknown said...

Well i know 1 good guy thats coming back that will be here sometime in June.. THE CHEATER EATER!!! PAUL WATKINS WMS80

Anonymous said...

Kung Fu the cheater himself sponsor of hammertoe u mean what a winner yes a real ( good) guy

Unknown said...

say what u want behind the screens but u want say a thing face 2 face!! and yes he is a real good guy!! and has packed the checkers 40/50x at BBR!

Unknown said...

oh by the way its not kung fu, its GOJU KARATE & USA BOXING i'm sure he will give u a lil taste of it if u ask!!!