Monday, April 12, 2010



1. Jeff Shackelford
2. Johny Hargraves
3. Gary Bedell
4. Richard Dickens
5. Rod Phipps
6. Bruce McFall
7. Dane Laster
8. Doug Greig
9. Chris Green
10. John Lord
11. Jeff Hizer
12. Mike Marsee
13. Jeff Hopkins
14. James Peterson
15. Rich Fenwick
16. Charlie Hargraves
17. Jason Pitts

18. Andy Shirley

Photo Courtesy of PBO Media Productions
Bowling Green's Richard "Doodle" Dicken ran the IOFS last year with his old faithful the stock appearing "ROCKET".  Doodle won the 2009 Stock Rookie of the Year.  He received a outlaw chassis for winning the Rookie of the Year.  Now in 2010 he is running for the Outlaw class Rookie of the Year.  Saturday night in Anderson, Indiana Doodle took a strong stand toward that title of Rookie of the Year with a fourth place finish.  Doodle has had great help from Bowling Green folks like Billy Williams which goes with him and acts as his crew chief.  C & P Racing, Jerry Cohron has help Doodle out.  I know I may be over looking many of you.  And I know Doodle and Angie would thank you all for your support.  From this site and all the race fans in Bowling Green, I know I can say we wish you the best in 2010.  Have fun and be safe!  Congratulations Doodle.


ANG85 said...

It's extrememly hard to start naming names when it comes to those who have helped Doodle throughout the years! I never want anyone to feel left out because each and every person's help is very appreciated by all of us at D&W Motorsports. All I can say is, thank you to everyone here at home that shown tremendous support since he has began running with the IOFS! I look for Doodle to have a successful year in 2010. Most importantly, he is enjoying himself, making some very rememberable moments with friends along the way, building everlasting friendships with some of the world's best figure 8 drivers, having fun, & enjoying racing as it should be. Thanks again to everyone that has shown support!

Anonymous said...

Yeah if Richard listens to Billy he may become a great driver bg Billy Williams is by far the best and most knowlegable driver bbr has ever turned out i wish he was my crew chief he is soooooooo awesome

Anonymous said...

Yes Billy is an awesome competitor if that hot: hard headed dickens will listen he may be somebody in the racing world Billy I'd throw u my underwear if I wore any u studd

Anonymous said...

Billy someone thinks your a Studd, Do they not know you are a married man and your wife my not like it if someone is throwing you there underwear! Odell are you going to start trouble up here with Billy's Loving Wife, She sure looks like she could beat some a.. watch Out now Anonymous He is Married :(