Saturday, April 3, 2010



Tonight was a hard choice for the award.  Joe Paul Reynolds drove a great race holding off former sportsman champion driver #44 Phillip Akin.  Joe also grab the pole award with the fastest time.  And then there was Danny Smith holding off chargers from many winner Davey Coble, then more bumps and pushes from a young but great driver #31 Josh Byrns.  Also Danny took the pole award with the fastest time.  With that being said my 'HARD CHARGER AWARD" goes to Joe Paul Reynolds and Danny Smith to share.  Congratulations to both driver for your effort.


Smokin' Joe said...

I think that's a good move, Odell. I think the show that Danny Smith, Josh Byrns, and Steve Ashley put on was about the best three-car race I've ever seen. It was awesome!

Anonymous said...

Nothing negative on here means a dull site and since it started it's almost commentless

Anonymous said...

How do u call it a hard charger award when the fastest quaifyer starts on the pole and wins the race? Nothing meant toward the winner just a simple question just wondering

Smokin' Joe said...

That is a good question, Odell. Maybe you should have called it the HOLDING OFF THE CHARGERS award this week.

Odell Turner said...

In response to the anonymous and Smokin' Joe question. Hard Charger doesn't always mean that the driver made a hard charge through the field of cars. He/She could have had to change a rearend, gear or etc to make the race. Get my point? it is a driver that has overcome the most and showed for it in some cases. In this case Danny and Joe both started on the poll with fast time. So part of my choice for them was because they worked so hard over the winter to charge to the front of qualifying. Then the factor of keeping it in the lead is no easy task. Joe had all kinds of pressure from Phillip Akin and Danny had pressure from Davey Coble and then Josh Byrns. I seen Josh put half his hood under Danny and he still won the race. Before you start with me about my comment on Josh, I was in no way saying he did wrong. This in my opinion is short track racing at it's best. Josh did a good job to let Danny know he was there and Danny did a good job to hold on. Like I said it may have been the BEST three car race I have ever seen. By the way, Joe I hope your head is getting better!

Anonymous said...

Y is the number 10 not back he and his wife were the class of bbr I just met them a couple of times but they were always so freindly please come back u were my sons hero they loved ur car

Smokin' Joe said...

I think that was the best race I've seen Josh drive. He may have put half a hood under Danny, but he did it just right to let him know he was there and not spin him out.
Since you explained it I agree 100%, they did CHARGE in the gate ready to go and it showed. I just hope the racing is as good with more cars this week.