Monday, July 6, 2009


Hey Odell, here are some pics from Anderson. These pics were not taken by me. I actually stole them from members that had them posted. My pics are still on the camera with a dead battery and it is taking forever to charge. I figured you can use these. I know they aren't going to mind. The damage here does not look that bad but it is bad enough that Doodle and Billy Williams (BG Billy Williams) are putting a car together right now so we can make Plymouth this Saturday. I am not 100% sure on this but I think that Doodle still finished 15 even after the wreck. At this point, I do not know where he sits on the overall points but he is still leading the "stocker" points. Going into the Anderson race, he was 7th in overall points. So, still not bad for what he is running against. He has a 4th, 10th and now 15th. Hopefully at Plymouth we can grab another top 5 would be nice though, lol. Well, as always, I want to thank everyone that helped make this trip possible: Cohron's Mechanical & B&R Racer's Supply....a very special, huge thanks goes out to them!!! C&P Racing, Jerry's Tires & Mufflers, Photos by Odell, Pro Machine. Billy Williams, Jay Parrish and Jerry Cohron have helped tremendously! Doodle or I could never say thank you enough!! I hope everyone that has helped knows that we certainly do appreciate it and hope that one day we can return all the favors! I also want to say thanks to everyone that called, emailed and texted to check on Doodle and for giving/offering their support while he is attempting to finish these next 6 races. Hopefully all the hard work put out by everyone will pay off in the end and Doodle will win that chassis! Only time will tell. Sure do wish y'all could make it to some of these races. It is by far some of the best figure 8 racing I have seen. Not to mention the racing that is taking place in the other classes that run at these tracks. All I can say is "WOW"! The crossover action resulted on or around lap 25 or so. Doodle had made the decision to go behind Magee once Magee had made his way through the "X". The leader, Van Meter, was coming along side of Doodle about the same time Magee was going to cross through. Magee must have suddenly changed his mind once he began to go through because he basically stopped in front of Doodle resulting in Doodle hitting him. After the initial contact with Magee, somehow Doodle took a shot right behind the driver's door from someone else. The damage to the car caused the throttle to hang and Doodle was headed straight toward the wall. Luckily, he got the car shut down before anymore damage could occur. The end result: two torn up race cars. More importantly, both Doodle and Magee are ok. Angie Dickens NOTE: WE HERE AT LOCAL RACING NEWS AND RUMORS BY ODELL WOULD LIKE TO PUT THE CALL OUT TO ALL OUR LOCAL BUSINESS OR FANS AND SAY IF YOU COULD SEND MONEY, PARTS AND ETC. TO HELP SPONSOR OUR LOCAL RACER SO HE CAN COMPETE IN THE TRAVELING FIGURE-8 SERIES KNOWN AS THE IOFS (INTERNATIONAL OUTLAW FIGURE-8 SERIES) PLEASE THINK ABOUT IT AND DO WHAT YOU CAN. CONTACT US HERE VIA EMAIL AT AND WE WILL FORWARD IT TO ANGIE DICKENS, RACE DIRECTOR FOR DICKENS RACING. THEN SHE CAN CONTACT YOU TO SET UP A TIME TO MEET WITH YOU. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP. (LETS SEE BOWLING GREEN SHINE THROUGH OUR LOCAL DRIVER.)

1 comment:

ANG85 said...

Odell, I would also like to add that if there is anyone that would like to help the IOFS out they can as well. The IOFS gives bonuses for the Fastest Qualifier, Hard Charger and Highest Finishing Stocker. Each of these bonuses are $100.00. They can sponsor all 3 or just's up to them. They can also sponsor it for the remaining 6 races or just 1...that's up to them as well. If anyone is interested, they can contact me at and I will then forward thier info onto the IOFS series director, Charlie Hargraves. I am sure the IOFS would greatly appreciate any amount of help. I do know that the sponsor(s) of these bonuses will gain a lot of exposure...they would be on many different websites, annoucments at the track, new publications, etc. I believe it is a great way to advertise for a lot less than what they would pay tv, radio, etc.

For anyone that maybe interested in helping Doodle out, right now it the time...considering he has to build a new car and will be needing new decals made, lol. Believe it or not, he will be running a solid white car!! Someone's gotta help me get my red and yellow in there somewhere, lol!!