Wednesday, July 22, 2009


This is in response to the comment made under the title "What did your eyes see in the All American Bomber Class Race Friday Night?" First things first, you call me a blow hard. That is fine with me honestly it is. But, two things about that, one is if I am a blow hard and you don't like me for my reporting on this site I have a question to ask you, why do you get on my site and waste your time commenting about such a blow hard? I mean who really cares about what I say? You must think that if Odell says it, it is the pure true gospel! A note to you, please read the subtitle again, it states "NEWS and RUMORS" The rumors can be classified as my OPINIONS. Secondly, I post with my name, I know you don't have to use your name but if I was going to call a man names I would at least put my name on it, I sure do! Now you ask why shouldn't the others get barred? I stated that I didn't see the #34 spin Stacey, and I have NOT heard anyone from the #34 say anything about doing that on purpose. However, I have had many folks say that they heard that. Here is my reasoning for what I saw, I think Stacey Key should be barred for the rest of the year. How did I arrive with that? It is simple, Stacey came out of turn 3 and 4 and ran straight at the #34 with the throttle wide open and hit the #34. That is the same thing that Billy Williams did just not as dramatic. That is what Anthony Russell did, but hurt someone. Both those guys got barred for the rest of the year. Also, Stacey got out of his car and went to the #34 in the attack mode. So there you go for Stacey. As for as the #34, if the Track personal did not see or hear them planning the attack, which I didn't hear and they (BBR) probably didn't either then it becomes a judgement call from the flagman as to bar the #34 for rough driving. If the #34 comes back next week and take out the number 72 then he should be barred. But because the track officials have let the #72 get away with this I suspect that Friday will be wide open, with no rules in place. I would ask you another question, it sounds like you are a Stacey Key fan, so how did you get your information from the Farris Family that they were going to take out Stacey. And about me reporting bits and pieces, not even CNN or FOX NEWS can report everything. The other thing about my son, he doesn't need my help, he has won races and is in the points lead all without my help. Jason (my son) gets along with all the drivers. It you haven't noticed David Harrod has been fast and won, Darrell Alford is tied with Stacey for second and is just as much a threat as Stacey. Besides, why should I worry about Stacey, I don't need to get him barred to save my son, Stacey seems to do a good enough job of taking his self out. Another thing, I'm not in anyones pocket, as you stated that I must be friends with the #34. I know all the Bomber drivers about the same. Let me address the cussing, I think most of that came from the grandstands and I DO NOT AGREE with that, I don't care if it is me, you or whoever. There are young kids in the stands, families and church people that just wants to watch racing and not hear all that foul language. Please let me say this, I am not mad at you that wrote this, but you need to realize that I do a TV show, Blog site, photos for Beech Bend Raceway's web site and track photography, with all this it is because I LOVE STOCK CAR RACING. I don't always get it right but I can say I'm sorry when I'm wrong. In closing on this story, Thanks to all you readers and supporters of Local News and Rumors by ODELL. Odell Turner (PS: IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A COMMENT DO NOT USE FOUL WORDS OR EVEN %$#, IF YOU WANT TO BE HEARD THEN KEEP IT CLEAN. ALSO NOT STUPID STUFF LIKE COMMITTEE'S AND SPELLING LIKE YOU ARE A HILLBILLY. ONLY REAL COMMENTS WILL BE ALLOWED. THANKS FOR HELPING KLEEP THIS SITE CLEAN AND SOMEWHAT SENSEABLE.)


Anonymous said...

well i know hammerhead don't want his name in this,but when he got out of his car he was barred. What makes the different with this guy. Dallas Stated, to Hammerhead that he got barred for getting out of his car. Not for the hit, but for getting out of his car

Anonymous said...

Well, the first time someone that gets out of their car gets ran they won't get out again. I am not saying that someone should have ran over someone or that someone is going to run over someone...I'm saying that if someone was to have been ran over or gotten hit by being so mindless to exit a car while other cars are moving all over the track they will think twice next time. I'm just saying...

Anonymous said...

Odell i think u do an excellent job at what u do.. people just need to grow up and quit actin stupid. i seen the exact thing u seen i was right there at the same exact angle u saw it.. the 72 car was in the wrong and should have nver gotten out of his car..

Anonymous said...

everyone screwed up.
now that this is stated, THEY can learn from THEIR mistakes.
doesn't matter what everyone else has to say, honestly.
it's not going to change anything, is it?
nope, didn't think so.
and why does Anthony Russell have to be an example of everything wrong?
give him a break, he's said that he's changed so let the new and improved Mr. Anthony Russell live and shine his newness.
i'm pretty sure that him and his wife would love to be left out of these things, now wouldn't they?
yep, they sure would.
just like what happen on friday, what's happened has happened and arguing about it isn't going to make a difference of what the outcome was, because it's done and over with.
it's okay to talk about these things for lets say a couple three days or so.
but after a while it gets old.
it's history.
nothing me or anyone else on here is going to CHANGE ANYTHING.
so hows bout we drop this now.
good =]
now lets get out to BBR and see some good sportsmanship this friday.
and please none of this childish nonsense.
good day people.
and love the website Odell =]
you do some good work, especially pics ;]

Odell Turner said...

To the last comment. First thanks for the kind words about my site and photos. I do try very hard to help all drivers. Let me take this time to say, I agree we need to let things go and not dwell on it for ever. I did hate to bring up Anthony's name, but here was my reason for doing so. I was really defending Anthony, here is how I was doing that. If the rules are to bar a driver for getting out of the car or using the car as a weapon then it should be for everyone including me. I don't think it's fair to bar Anthony, Billy Williams and not bar another driver for doing the same type of offence. And you are right it really doesn't do much good in talking about these things because we cannot change anything. I hope you are right about things being OK Friday night. Remember, I have to go out on that track to take the winning photo and I don't want to get hit by a car. By the way thanks to all you that made comments and kept it clean. This site is for venting and posting your views, as adults we should be able to do that without being silly. See you race fans, drivers and etc. tomorrow night.

Linda Cohron said...

Thank you Odell for your voice about the cussing that takes place in the stands. It is a shame that you have drunks with their beer in sight cussing and hanging onto the fence in front of their children and others. I guess that is why Dallas does not have the turn out that he should for a family park and one of the reasons the crowd is falling off.