Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Odell, It's me again! Here are two pics that were taken this past weekend at Plymouth. Yes, that white car with the yellow duct tape 85 IS Doodle! The car may not have been the best looking thing but I think "The White Knight" looked pretty dang good going around Plymouth considering the limited amount of time they had to get it ready! Doodle and Billy Williams once again worked their tails off and it paid off since Doodle brought home a 7th place finish, the highest finishing stocker award & the hard charger award!! I had a hard time deciding what to name this car. I thought of "The White Knight" or "Big Bertha". Since this car "came to the rescue" for Doodle, no other name would fit as perfect as "The White Knight"! We had to deal with some slight issues. There was water in the fuel but thanks to some of the other IOFS crew members that jumped in to help out, Doodle and the guys were able to get the fuel cell pulled out, emptied and put back in before the feature started. He also had some handling issues but he dealt with that the best he could. All of that should be worked out before the August 15th show back in Plymouth, IN. Slowly but surely, we are knocking these races down one by one, only 5 more left on the circuit- 3 more in IN and 2 in KY!! With each race we have gone to, the racing gets better and better so you can only imagine what kinda of show BBR will get being that it is not until Sept. 18th. Bowling Green race fans will get their money's worth!!! The IOFS has had 4 races with 4 different winners if that tells ya anything! I for one will be glad when they roll into BBR. Not only because the racing will be off the charts but we will be close to home, lol. Again, I can't go without the thanks going out to all that has helped Doodle do what he loves to do and that is nothing but racing- figure 8 racing at that! I hope each and every person that has helped in any way knows that Doodle and I are extremely appreciative! Thanks so much to: Pro Machine, Cohron's Mechanical, Jerry's Tires & Mufflers, Photo's By Odell, B&R Racer's Supply, C&P Racing, Billy Williams, Jay Parrish, Robert Cohron, Keith Montgomery, Danny Montgomery, Bill Phelps, Steve Wyatt, Robert & Rita Cline, all of the family & fans that have supported Doodle throughout all his years of racing...and I know I am leaving someone (some people) out and I apologize deeply for doing so. Thank You just doesn't say enough to everyone that helps out! Please continue to support our BG driver in his Chase for the Chassis! He is sure to make you and BG proud!

1 comment:

rick said...

i spoke with doodle on tuesday at practice and told him myself that what he was doing was great and was putting bbr's name out there everywhere.thats nothing but good publicity and i for one cant do a whole lot but will gladly donate half of what i win friday night in both of my races to help out.maybe others will follow in suite and we can keep doodle running out in front.good luck doodle.rick