Thursday, January 29, 2009


Hi Odell, On Feb. 3rd at 7:00 p.m. (cst), Doodle will be doing a Q&A segment called "Meet the Drivers" on I would like to invite everyone to go to that website to register as a member so they can join in on the segment. The registeration process is very simple. You will just need to come up with a username and password and then be sure to sign in on the night of the segment in order to be able to post questions for Doodle. As far as I know, Doodle is the only one from Bowling Green at this point to be invited to do the segment. Most of the drivers that have been featured on there have been from the Louisville, Jeffersonville and Indy areas. This site covers many forms of racing but the main focus is figure 8 racing and figure 8 drivers. I hope that everyone that can will join in that night. Hopefully, Doodle can spark someone's interest from that area and/or here and pick up some much needed sponsors for the 2009 season so he can finish up his Extreme Winged Figure 8 car. Thanks in advance for your help and cooperation. Angie Dickens


ANG85 said...

This may be postponed to a later date, I am not sure but I will keep you posted. Since the ice storm has hit, Doodle has been crazy busy! He is not even sure that he will be back home in order by then or not. Once again, thanks for posting and I will keep you updated.

ANG85 said...

The original date of Feb. 3rd. has been postponed to a later date. I am not sure of the new date yet as it is unclear when he will be available to do it. I will let you know once we have the new date set. Thanks!