Monday, January 5, 2009


The Odell and Billy Show has come to an end. The show had great guest and some great times in 2008. Unfortunately, Billy Grider my partner had some changes at his day time job and has not been able to be on the show for the last several weeks. Billy and I talked and he has decided that he can not make the show in 2009. However if things change, hopeful Billy can set in on some shows in 2009. I know it was not what Billy wanted to do and certainly I didn't. I know first hand how this job thing is because I lost my job after 15 years in the coffee industry due to CUT BACKS! Anyway we are going to go on as "The Odell Turner Show". Tonight our special guest will be track official, Gary Dalton. Next Monday night will be Brad Janes of The Turn or Burn Motorsports Group. Be sure to tune in tonight on Insight Cable Channel 5 at 7:30 p.m.

1 comment:

Randy Wells Racing said...

Well im sorry to hear Billy wont be on anymore. You guys made an admirable team. Just qant to say due to the economy and the racing dollar not making sense anymore...Wells racing will not be racing in 09 either.Things may change but highly unlikely.Odell and the rest of the racers i wish you well and good wishes for 09.and may GOD be with us all in these troubled times.