Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Today I had a very special phone call. My wife answered the phone and told me that someone ask for me. I took the phone and didn't recognize the voice on the other end. Then he told me it was Anthony Russell. Anthony told me that he didn't know much about the computer stuff but had tried to get on my site this morning. Folks what came next almost took me off my feet. Anthony said, Odell I want to get on your site and say that I'm sorry. He told me that he had changed his life and had been baptized over the winter. He also went on to say that if there were any trouble this year it would be his crew or someone else's but not him. He said I will walk away. Fans, you may or may not believe in God but I do. I don't go to church or do the right things alot of the time. But I was raised in church and this country was founded on the word of God. Even our coins still say "In God We Trust" I remember reading the story of the Jesus being crucified and as they drove nails in his hands, pierced his side and put a crown of thorns on his head (these were soldiers that hated Christ) Jesus from the cross as he hanged looked up into the Heavens and said Father forgive them for they no not what they do. And he didn't stop there, he was hung between two thiefs and looked over to one of them and forgave him and said today thy shall be with me in paradise. And also in the bible christ told a group of people this "He that is without sin cast the first stone" Why did I say all that? One because I too have said things about Anthony because I didn't think and still don't agree with using your car as a weapon. But when a MAN can say I'm sorry, that is ALL he can do. And yes he will have a long road to show fans, drivers and crews that he truly is sorry for his action. This is by not means to say that Anthony wasn't provoked, I don't know! I have and are still friends with Joey and Bobbie, so I'm not on either side. Your call to me this morning Anthony and your post on my site is really all that I and I think most folks simply wanted to hear you say. I hope you do good this year and when Joey comes back I hope he does good. Some folks say my site and I stir up alot of bad stuff, but I think it has it's good moments. Anthony let me say, I'm sorry for some of the thing I may have said or thought. You made me feel very small this morning. So, fans and racers we are all one big family so lets try to get along and go racing (Getting along is alot more fun) By the way I will NOT take anymore negative comments about this matter (ONLY positive) Here is Anthony's post which is on the comment section under Anthony is coming back to BBR. hammerhead said... well i have not been on here but guess its time to let all u people on here know how i feel i know what i did last year may or may not have been the right thing to do but im not proud of it i had no means of hurtin anyone but sometimes u let your temper get out of hand im not the only one and probably wont be the last one to act up just wanted to tell bobbie me and lisa loved everything you did for the both of us i know what happen affected u and im sorry and joey we both used to talk racin and used to be friends i go over your gargage you would come to mine but guess we both let racin tear that up so u im sorry that you got hurt but at the time i did not know where your breaking point was going to end on me but thats the way i felt and for the fans im sorry wheather u want to believe it or not im a changed man give me time ill prove to everyone i was not going to race again but everyone callin and stopin by so i finally gave in i love racin and workin on the cars and i would give anyone the shirt off my back so im going to race win lose or draw so hope to see everyone out there if you are cheerin or booing but leave the booing out haha just give hammerhead racin another chance sorry for such a long story. so lets go racing.


timmy d said...

odell this is a great thing,that is why i check it everyday,first thing though is that hammerhead a.k.a.anthony russell is a fine human with feelings and emotions like the rest of us,we all make mistakes but when things happen in our lives and we cant explain it that is when gods so small voice whispers in our ears i think that anthony has heard this voice and has become a changed man i hope him all the luck and joey to.and thanks odell for your site.

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm Hammerheads look alike brother they call me LittleDawg I know my brother better than anyone and I know what he did last year he did not mean to hurt anyone But sometimes when you had enough you have had enough. And I hope this year noone gets hurt and I hope everyone has a good year in racein but if yall fans will give hammerhead this chance he will prove to everyone he is not a bad person our mother and step father did not raise their children to be bad people they raised us and our brothers very well and that he is a good clean driver and all friends and family will be there to watch so Good luck to all and good luck to hammerhead...