Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I never ask for myself, but I am asking that you swing by Toohey's Auto Supply, 215 US 31W By-Pass and make a donation for Bill Slade passing. We are going to send flowers from All the Stock Car Drivers, B& R Racers Supply and All the Stock Car Fans. Any amount that you can spare is appreciated. It can be fifty cents, a dollar, five, ten, twenty or more. We need to do this today. See Rick or Barbara Falcone @ Toohey's. If you see me (Odell) you can also give it to me. In advance thank you very much. (If you don't know where Toohey's is, it is at the end of the by-pass near Louisville Road. Going from Nashsville Road end it will be on the left.) UPDATE: TOOHEY'S CLOSES 5:30 P.M.

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