Sunday, September 21, 2008


My daughter emailed this to me for posting.
Thank you Dad...for listening and caring,for giving and sharing,but, especially, for just being you!Happy Birthday to you I find myself wondering...Did I give you your due..For all that you've done for meDid I ever thank you? For all of my childhood memoriesFor helping me deal with life's stressesFor helping me accept my defeatsAnd celebrate my successes? Or for teaching me the value of hard work,Good judgement, courage, and being true The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've sharedDid I ever thank you? If I have forgotten, I'm thanking you nowYou taught me right from wrong....I hope you know how much you're loved and appreciatedI hope you, instinctively, knew it all along. Happy Birthday, Dad


ANG85 said...

Happy Birthday!

To tell the truth, I have to thank you too! There have been a lot of special people come into my life throughout the years and you (and Margaret) rank right at the top. You have shared a lot of your life experiences with me that I have referred to if I were ever in a situation that I didn't know what to do or how to handle it. I have Doodle, Tammy, my mom and my brother that I can always turn to but it is comforting to know that I have a "father figure" that I can go to as well. Thanks for not ever killing me or Tammy as we were crazy teenagers doing crazy things:) Thanks for talking, listening, sharing and caring. Thanks for just being there.

"The other Daughter"

ANG85 said...
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#10checkwritter said...

Odell Hope you had a great birthday and that Margaret has not killed you yet. Thanks for everything and hope you have many more birthday.

docracing said...

Happy Birthday Odell, sorry to hear that they called out the Morgantown and Warren County fire department to extinguish all of those candles..They thought is was a two alarm blaze..

Best wishes...let's have some birthday wings soon...
