Friday, September 19, 2008


Figure-8 points leader, Richard "Doodle" Dickens has car troubles and has to start the race to win the championship. The team works on his car but it can't be repaired. The question is, will J.J. Schweizer #7 pick up the 2008 championship? Hold on folks, Doodle talks to his sister, Rita Cline and works out a deal to drive her car in the figure-8. And as the story goes, Doodle drove the #69 car and yes he only finished last place in the season ending race but picked up the points to claim his championship for 2008. That made Doodle be the only person in the history of Beech Bend Raceway figure-8 to claim 5 in a row championship. This fact may not be true but to all the research that we were able to pull up it is a fact. Congratulations Doodle!

1 comment:

ANG85 said...

I am sooooo proud of this man!!! Yes, he is my husband but he certainly deserves the title of a champion (on and off the track)!! Each and every race car driver that has a love for the sport will have to over come troubling issues from time to time. Over the years, we have encounter a ton of them but Doodle always knew how to pick himself up and try again. He is so full of dedication and determination to try his best. There has not been anything handed to him, he has worked hard and earned it! Because of these characteristics, he has came a very long way. I feel prilvaged to have been a part of his success. With that being said, there is a lot of people that has been a part of his success over the years. There's a lot of people that has helped on the car, people that has given advice about what to do with the car, people that has given him support and words of wisdom to build courage and confidence to do what he does. I am not going to try to thank them all because I never want to leave anyone out. I just hope that we have said Thank You to each and everyone when you provided your help. I do want to thank Jerry Cline for giving Doodle the opputunity to drive his car for him this year. It means a lot to the both of us that you trusted in Doodle as a driver and as a person to take control of your equipment. It really has been an honor. Even though there were some struggles along the way, you, as the car owner, were there to support Doodle each and every step of the way. That means a lot in itself. Not only was a "racing" relationship formed, but a lasting friendship was as well! Doodle is proud of the fact that he was able to capture the 2008 championship as your driver. It might have took a total of 5 or 6 different cars to get the job done but you guys did it. This is the first time that Doodle has driven for someone besides himself for a complete season. I have said it many times that each and every driver that pulls onto any race track deserves credit, respect and exposure for what they do. Please understand that although I am proud of what Doodle has accomplished, I respect every driver that takes a risk when they crawl into the driver's seat and I appreciate each driver that drives a good, hard race. Doodle, I just want to say that I love you, I love being a part of racing with you. I wish you continued success in the years to come, you have my support always. Just remember, that is does not matter to me if you win or lose, because you will always be MY champion!