Monday, August 3, 2009


My "HARD CHARGER AWARD" goes to late model driver #28 Steve Ashley. Friday night I watched all the races and this award could have went to several different drivers. Steve has been coming to Beech Bend Raceway for a few years now. He started out and ran in the back of the pack. Every week I have seen this car get faster. Friday night Steve finished 5th. You might say why give this to a 5th place finisher? First of all he was a car to 1/2 car behind the 4th place car which was very close to the 3rd place car. They were all in a fairly close pack. Steve has never won a race at Beech Bend Raceway in a late model that I know of but he drove a very good race Friday night. Hang in there Steve, victory is on it's way. Congratulations Steve! As always you win absolutely nothing by getting this award. See Steve and other drivers on Friday nights at 8:00 p.m. I'll see you there. Odell

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Thanks Odell! We really appreciate it!

Leslie Ashley