Sunday, June 10, 2007


Race Friday 6-8-07 Results for Modified Street Class, Anthony Russell in the #48 finds his self a win. Coming in 2nd was the #9 of Daniel Young, 3rd was the #44 of Tony Rothe, 4th was the #32 of Larry McGrew, 5th was the #15 of Davis Baird, 6th was the #69 of Rita Cline, 7th was #00 of Dallas Bowman, and 8th was #13 of Randal Wells. Congratulation Anthony Russell!


Anonymous said...

I enjoy watching Danny Marr race, and I noticed he wasn't there. Will he be back?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure but i think he is a truck driver and he might of been out of town.

Anonymous said...

i hope he never comes back!

Anonymous said...

Why would you be so rude? Danny Marr along with others makes the racing exciting. I don't understand why people have to be so negative. I guess you are just a person with low self-esteem and if feels good to say bad things about other people. That's usually the way it goes; that way the negative attention is off yourself!! You really should feel bad for talking bad about people. What goes around, comes around. Just keep that in mind!

Anonymous said...

Why can't everyone just get along. Why does everyone have to be so negative. Why can't people be more positive.
I try to do this for fun, but there is too much done and said that has taken the fun out of racing.
I appreciate the good things that the last person said. I wish I knew who the anonymous was.
Thanks Danny (Grove Rat 11)

Anonymous said...

danny keep on diggin you will find your way back to victory lane.........WATKINS80

Anonymous said...

Thanks WMS for your support.
Johnny call me on my cell.
Thanks again,
(Grove Rat 11)

Anonymous said...

Danny cant drive a car if he tried

Anonymous said...

I know who you are (the last anonymous). you must think your really something to hide behind a computer. Your just too chicken to come out and say who you really are. I wish Odel would stop the anonymous stuff.

Anonymous said...

You could never drive