Sunday, May 20, 2007


I have made a change on the way you can post. Unfortunately, with some of the negative post coming close to threats, if not threats, I feel it necessary to change the posting from anonymous to where you have to create a name and sign in. I do believe that someone is getting on this site just to create a problem between drivers. I am not perfect, but I did create this blog to share news and rumors about local racing. My intentions were to make stock racing in this area more popular and lots more fun. Joey Stancil and Danny Marr seem to have worked out their differences, but some poeple on here keep trying to stir it up. As for Keith Montgomery's car, as far as I see it, the rules are pretty well wide open in that class. The tires and engine is about all the major rules, and it is simply a buy rule on the engine in which you the drivers okayed the dollar amount to buy that engine. Just remember to buy with this in mind you will probably get yours bought the next week or so, and do it with NO hard feelings or just keep your money in your pocket. You may have noticed that I have deleted some post. I will delete the ones with threats, too much harsh language. Please keep posting that is what I want on this site, but let's don't get crazy, please! Be sensible when making a post. If you think I am not fair on this please send a post or email me at Other sites like this do not allow your comments so please do not make me cut them out. Again, thanks to all who read this site almost daily and to you that post. Your blogging friend, racer and race fan, Odell


#10checkwritter said...

Thanks Odell for doing that. It is ashamed that if they were true racer then they would put their name. We put our name to all comments made so why can they not put theirs.Yes it is over With Danny and Joey we know it was a race accident and we will go on racing. Joey is glad to have Keith in Modified Street he is a good driver and does not intentionally take some one out.He knows how to drive and when to back off.

30mechanic said...

Odell i'm not a racer even though i do work on a car i truely believe most of bbr's problems come from people trying to stir up trouble between each other. I wished we could race without all of that but it happens emotions run high we all want to win cars get torn up but you just gotta fix em and try again next week. P.S. thanks for making this site i check it out every day

69crewmember said...

i agree with 30mechanic. if alot of people would keep their mouth shut then there wouldn't be as much trouble at the bend that there is. i also want to thank you odell for making this site and i too get on here everyday to check it out.

ANG85 said...

i am gonna be honest. i have almost got to the point of not reading the site anymore b/c of the comments on here. (absolutely no offense to odell at all). even though i know how people are at bbr it is still distrubing to read some of this stuff. i know the ones leaving the negitive post does not represent bbr as a whole...but now do you see why it is not fun out there anymore? i think odell is doing a wonderful job with the site and i hope he will continue to be able to do so. everyone has their own opinions and the right to speak them but when it is hurtful, disrespectful and threats...they are better kept to yourself. thanks odell for all you are doing for our track and sport. well, at least trying to do.

8c said...