Monday, May 28, 2007


Race Monday 5-28-07 Results for Front Runner Class, Steve Vincent in the #6 finds his self a win. Coming 2nd was the #17 of Tony Peak, 3rd was the #A1 of Mark Cummings, 4th was the #11 of Terry Duke, 5th was the #20 of Alan McFaddin, 6th was the #99 of Hunter Willis, 7th was #109 of Rick Simpson, 8th was #79 of Chris Logsdon, 9th was #19 of Roy Page, 10th was #9 of Shannon Carter, 11th was #11 of Matt Melton, 12th was #06 of Josh Sartain, 13th was #5 of Dakota Gibson, 14th was #7 of Michael Anderson, 15th was #82 of Billy Gregory, 16th was #00 of Ramsey Tex, 17th was #A1 of Paul Cummings, 18th was #28 of Blake Fields and 19th. was #28 of Lee Alvey. Congratulation Steve Vincent!

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