Monday, July 11, 2011


Photo Courtesy of PBO Photography

I had the pleasure of shooting a series of photo's of a local racer.  This is John Labbous, Jr. of White House, TN.  Here is my interview.  (Q) How long have you been drag racing?  (A) 21 Years  (Q) Did you start out in a dragster? (A) No, my first year was a door car. I still run door cars today sometimes.  (Q) John, what is your most memorable race event? (A) It would have to be The 50 at Michigan during the 2009 season.  (Q) John is there anyone you would like to thank? (A) First, I would like to thank my family.  And then I would like to thank Digital Delay. 

NOTE: In closing of this interview I would again like to say thanks John for this interview. Hope to see you at Beech Bend Raceway Park again. Also, good luck in your 2011 season.

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