Sunday, December 5, 2010

One of the biggest topics at the rules meeting.

If you weren't at the drivers meeting then you missed this story.  During the rules meeting for the Front Runners the name Tommy Hoover was brought up more than any rule.  Not every driver but most seem to be more worried about Tommy than a rule change.  Let me take you back in time just in case you weren't at Beech Bend Raceway Park during the 2010 season.  Tommy won most ever race in the oval and even when he started in the rear, which was almost every other week because the winner of the race has to start in the rear next week.  So I can see why these other drivers are worried about Tommy.  In my opinion, I think Tommy is a good driver but don't think it is all in his skills.  I think it is mostly the car.  So if you guys and gals would work harder on your cars then maybe you could beat him.  The Chaffin kid in the #16 beat him, the #11 car beat him, and Josh Wyatt beat him.  In 2011 the rules have changed to having a sell after every race in the middle of the track for $1000 (the whole car less seat and belts)  Tommy didn't like this rule and said he may not be back in 2011 and just park his car and go boating!  I don't think Tommy will give in that easy. I say Tommy will be back and still win his share of races.  Tommy did make it clear that he will be focusing on the Front Runner Figure-8 next year and not the oval.  

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