Monday, September 6, 2010

The Sportsman class started the night off exciting, Monday 9-5-10

Photo Courtesy of PBO Media Productions

From the drop of the green flag until the drop of the checker flag of the last race of the night, it was wild, exciting and some very good racing.  If you missed this great night of stock car racing then don't miss Friday, September 17, for the last night of the 2010 stock car season.  Beech Bend Raceway is ending with a bang!  The last races you will see, the fast and exciting sportsman cars run twin races, yes that is right two features.  My new store, "Stuff and Things Consignment" will be adding $50.00 to each race winner!  Again, mark them calendars and get to Beech Bend Raceway for the exciting last stock car races of 2010.  We'll see you there.


Anonymous said...

that was a great race 2watch from a fan n the stands point of view!!!i thought joe reynolds was gonna hold paul watkins off but paul had a fast race car it really show'd when he pass'd reynolds on the outside daymond long had a fastcar he was all over reynolds, the 2cars from highland rim will be hard 2handle as well w/every lap they make they'll get faster 2, the 8car pannell i think he qualified 4th his 1st time out thats really good considering the scale of drivers thats n the sportsman division!!!congrats on the win paul watkins!

Anonymous said...

which drivers are going to win the twin 25's? or should i ask whose got the best chance to win the 25's?

Anonymous said...

Odell i mean slowdell could you possibly make a bigger article on the TWIN 25's coming up?? if u have time. i'm going to make up some flyer's and pass them out @the rim and @ kms this up in coming week-end,let's try to blow this event up and have the biggest turn out of sportsman cars we've in year's! thanks WMS80

Anonymous said...

If the rumor I heard about a new sportsman driver making an appearance Friday for the Twin 25's is true then he has my vote for sure!! We'll have to see...

Anonymous said...

They are all WINS there out there we are sitting in the stands ! Just race guys and be clean about the whole thing :) Hats off to everyone in the sportsman race

Anonymous said...

a new driver huh?, unless he is a weekly series regular he's really not gonna have all that good of a chance but you never really know!even a blind squarill finds a accorn every now and then!

Anonymous said...

hammerhead will be back for the twin 25's.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Mystery Driver?? Is he from BBR or an out of towner?? It'll be nice to see some fresh new faces and driving talent at BBR...just too bad it is the last race! I have a feeling the Sportsman division is gonna put on a heck of a race.

Anonymous said...

a new driver huh?, unless he is a weekly series regular he's really not gonna have all that good of a chance but you never really know!even a blind squarill finds a accorn every now and then!

I promise you that this driver has enough talent to get the job done and he is not a weekly series regular...But he could fool me.

Anonymous said...

Well y'all ain't figured out who this new driver is well it's doodle in one of jerry rouschs cars ain't never seen him go in circles but he can cross the x