Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Stock car racing for 2009 season has come and gone. We saw some very fast and competitive racing during the year. Some drivers merged as a first time points champions as others did a repeat. Drivers, fans, and sponsors had a great time. Some even got their very first win, while other came very close. Overall, our car count was as good or better than any local track around the area. We had one of the largest late model fields in this part of the country. Our front runner class was packed with cars for a great field of cars. Finally after years of low car count in the sportsman class we had a very strong field of really good cars. Beech Bend Raceway Park has come along ways in stock car racing from the very first race in 1951. Beech Bend Raceway has a lot of history of both drivers and races. Drivers like the late Bobby Hamilton, Sr., Jemery Mayfield, Mark, Jeff and David Green, Bobby Hamilton, Jr. and many more have raced at this facility. Who knows the next young driver to break into the big league of NASCAR? If you attend the races at Beech bend Raceway Park then you can say you witnessed history in the making. I as a photographer have had the privilege of taking photos of some of these NASCAR drivers at Beech Bend Raceway Park such as Bobby Hamilton, Sr. Mark, Jeff and David Green. Enough on all the history, lets talk about our 2009 champions. In no certain order, our Modified Street Champion was #44 Tony Rothe. Tony worked very hard to win this championship. Battles with a fast car of #11 Danny Marr was his number one competitor. Did we see some great battles between these two each week? In the All American Bomber Class picking up his first and only championship was #75 Jason Turner. Jason won several races and was most always in the top three ever race. I am very proud of this driver because he is my son. I only have one son and this makes a Dad very proud. I know how other Dad's feel when their son wins a race and now a championship. I have raced for years off and on but never won a championship myself. This is very special for our family. This next guy won the championship in the Front Runner class. He is #8c Curtis Butler. Curtis, won just about every race and was the driver to beat each and every week. He has made the announcement that he would be moving up to Modified Street class next year. Mark Cumming was the Front Runner Figure-8 Champion with 8 or 9 wins in 2009. What a year for this young man. Robert Cohron #99 Chevy won the sportsman class Championship. Robert may have had a camo colored car which read "You can't see this" but in reality they had no problem seeing Robert win races and take that championship. Robert had lots of help with his C&P racing. What can I say about this next guy that hasn't already been said. Sammy Sanders in his #12 machine won the late model championship. We had 10 to 15 cars most every night with a field of great drivers. It was a real battle for Sammy to win this championship and he did in style. Cole Williams won the Mini Cup Championship and did a great job. Keep your eyes on this youngster. Baby Grand Pro Class Champion goes to #77 Blake Isenburg. Blake is a young gun running with grown men and holding his own. This guy is another one to keep your eyes on. Now lets look at the special awards. The 2009 Best appearing in each class. Modified street #69 Rita Cline, All American Bomber #75 Jason Turner, Front Runner #1 Josh Wyatt, Front Runner Figure-8 #32 Mark Cummings, Sportsman #99 Robert Cohron, Late Model #99 Chad Willis, Mini Cup #88 Jeffery Cline and Baby Grand #77 Blake Isenburg. The 2009 Mechanic of the Year. Modified Street - Robert Cline, All American Bomber - Stacey Key, Front Runner - Bruce Wyatt, Front Runner Figure-8 - Mark Cummings, Sportsman - Jay Parrish, Late Model - Billy Russell, Mini Cup - Terry Williams, Jr. and Baby Grand - Joe Harris. Track Person of the Year - Kerry "KP" Payne. Most Improved Driver - Hunter Willis. Rookie of the Year - Joe Reynolds. NOTE: ANGIE I FINALLY GOT THIS ON HERE. THANK YOU FOR PUSHING ME! LOL


ANG85 said...

Thank you, Odell!!

Way to go, Rita & Robert Cline...all your hard work throughout the years paid off!

Congrats to one of the hardes working men in the pits...Jay Parrish! Jay is a great mechanic regardless if it's in the Sportsman division or not!

Congrats to Little Jeffie Cline...that mini cup sure was looking good with #88 on it:)

And last but not least, Robert Cohron who brought home the "Best Appearing" Sportsman car doubt he is deserving of this, those C&P car always look good!

Congrats to everyone and good luck in the 2010 racing season!

Anonymous said...

you know i think dakota gibson worked really hard this year and he didnt get nothing.he keep his car running all the time and he got in there and won a race. he sould have got best improved i think.