Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Toyota? Beat a Chevy at BBRP? NEVER!!! And as for the fast Ford coming to BBRP to take on Bo Miller, It's not the car or make, but the guy behind the wheel. And I am not saying you don't have to have a good car to beat Bo, nor am I saying Bo can't be beat. What I am saying is that it will take more than a blue oval (FORD) to beat Bo. You will need the complete package to do it on regular basis. I for one just like most fans would like to see different winner's in the late model division. But as a blogger and reporting the news, it is my opinion as of now that Bo will still be the top car. I think he works harder than most of the other guys. I know this is going to make some mad at me. In ending this note let me say, good luck to all the late model drivers in 2008. Odell I NEED MY STOCK CAR FIX TOO! BUT I AM HEARING RAIN COULD BE IN THE FORECAST FOR FRIDAY NIGHT, AND NO RACES NEXT FRIDAY.

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