Saturday, October 27, 2007


This couple needs no introduction. But I will tell who they are just in case someone doesn't know. Dallas and Alfreda Jones. I know some will say that I am kissing up but that is not the case. I would like to say that I really appreciate not only Dallas and Alfreda, but the entire Jones Family. They have invested their money in Beech Bend and by doing so I have had the pleasure of Racing my own cars, my wife (Margaret), son (Jason), Dad (James), Uncle (Aubrey), two first cousins (Scott & Kevin), two second cousins(Harvey & Randy) and Nephew (Corey) have raced at Beech Bend. I have been to Drag Racing Events, Many Harley Drags, and have been to the park to ride rides like the Kentucky Rumbler, hear the Country Music Show and etc. I was the Track photographer 4 years for Dallas and have missed only one year (The first year Dallas started) of Stock Car racing since Dallas bought Beech Bend. My Uncle was a flagman for a while at BBR. Over the years I feel I have had the pleasure to gain new friends by knowing the Jones Family. So on behalf of most of the Stock Car Racers I know I can say from our hearts, Thank you Dallas and Alfreda. Odell & Margaret Turner and all the Beech Bend Stock Car Racers.

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