Monday, March 22, 2010


Hello to all the viewers of this site.  I started this local racing news and rumors blog about four years ago.  The reason I started this site was because I love racing of all kinds.  I do not get paid anything for doing this site.  I only want to promote tracks such as Beech Bend Raceway, Music City Raceway, Highland Rim, Kentucky Motor Speedway, and etc.  Another reason was to promote drivers that are local, but are not Jeff Gordon, Jimmy Johnson and etc.  Then there is the fans.  I try to keep them up to date with racing news and rumors behind the scene.  I am not looking for a pat on the back by writing this.  However, just want to share some information on how this all works.  I spend many hours typing, putting photos and etc. on this site.  I also travel to many tracks and races to get information for all of you.  I have ask all drivers, car owners, track owners, track vendors, track photographers, and fans to send me your news.  I try very hard to be fair and balanced.  I know that everyone has opinions and they are welcome.  I get hundreds of email complaining of the comments.  I also get many emails of thanks.  Remember, not everyone will see eye to eye.  The million dollar question is, how to I decide which comment to post or not post?  This site can't always be perfect!  Hey, it's racing and at the track it's not always perfect.  Honestly, sometimes I just want to throw my hands up and quit this site.  Then I receive an email of encouragement.  Just the other day, I deleted some comments but for some reason they got put on my site.  I didn't see them until I started getting other comments.  So in closing let me say this.  You don't have to like Odell Turner and that is OK.  I would rather that everyone like me.  However, I am going to keep this site going for the hundreds or thousands that do like it.  You can still post comments that disagree with others, but for you that cry about Beech Bend or other tracks being so bad I will NOT keep putting that on here, so save your time.  Call me a puppet or whatever, but I am tired of you running down the sport that I love.  Simply to say to you, stop going to them tracks or getting on this site if you hate it so bad.  I cannot please everyone with the way I run this site.  In closing, let me say this.  I think I have helped many of you with lettering, photo's, parts and etc.  I try to be a good guy, but don't like to get ran over either.  If I have offended any of you please except my apology.  Thanks for stopping by the site, see you at a race track soon.  Odell Turner - Local Racing News and Rumors by ODELL


Anonymous said...

Odell, i really enjoy gettin on this site to see what the latest gossip is and just plan ole whats new & going on around the local tracks.Some people cant see past the nose on their face.Keep up the good work cause this site to me is a lot of fun. PAUL WATKINS WMS80

Anonymous said...

You ever hear of freedom of speech.? Why not let the voices be heard? I don't think you should get to choose. Half of the good comments don't even make it on hear and personally I think if your pic is on here everyone should be able to freely comment on it That Is What Makes America The land of tjhe free so toughen up youse guys skins u sissys

Anonymous said...

odell, i for one enjoy the site a bunch, believe me i know first hand how hard you work to keep it going, joe and i work a lot in the same way to do our radio show, it is very important that the local racers get noticed, they work much harder than the nascar guy's and get practly no recognition for it, thanks to you and your site and your tv show they can get that extra push for thier sponsors that are so hard to come buy these days. i for one applaud all your efforts and wish you the best for the 2010 season. spivey williams.

Smokin' Joe said...

Odell I think you do a good job with your site and I wouldn't change anything. I get kicked around and bad-mouthed for being a puppet, etc. and when it happens I figure I must be doing something right. First, if people weren't listening or reading they wouldn't know what you're doing that pisses them off so badly. Second, if you get someone so riled up that they take the time to sit down and give their opinion on things then you're promoting the American way.
I don't agree with everything that goes on with ur site or at the races and I know other people won't either. That's just life and it's one of the things that makes all of us come to the track on the weekends.
Smokin' Joe

Anonymous said...

your doing a great job,keep on going, if you have a field full of goats, you gotta have atleast one jackass to make it look like your farming!

Anonymous said...

Odell ( and Mrgaret) I appreciate all the time and effort you two spend on everything you do. There is so much that goes on behind the scene that others don't know. The helping hand when my mother passed.
The encouragement thru my treatments. You are good people. I still beleve if someone wants to post negetive comments ( they deserve freedom of speech) but they also should post their name.
Just one opiaion. Linda Cohron

Anonymous said...

blog site is awesome dont worry about the idiots with nothin to do but cry and moan! Your doing a hell of a good job keep up the good work! you post this if you like on your blogsite! John Epley

docracing said...

Odell, I know you have a lot on your plate, as does most people do these days, but, with some of these creatins, don't get in their realm of "Majoring on minor things!!!"...At best, they are just unhappy with their lives and wish you to the same level.

I believe if your proud enough to say your piece of mind, you should be able to put your name to it.

It would be nice to see each week, especially with the circle track, to identify each weeks events, winners and fellow competitors.

You know that in this area, this is the only sport that does not receive public/media exposure. Even pee wee sports gets more exposure than our racing. Someone could be gravely injured and not even show up on the charts.(Hope it never happens)..

So Odell, give'em hell when the fire strikes, and like always in the past, show the congrat's too. Remember most of the ill willer can't drive a moped.

Anonymous said...

Well I just like to say I'm at the track every Friday night and have been for years and u say this is opions and rumors so did you ever think that alot of these comments were made to see if they could get you riled up and I think they suceeded just my opion. But the old saying says opions are like ........ And everybody has one

timmy d said...

odell,you have a great service,by providing us with news and info,i for one enjoy your site and check it out several times a week,people need to post there names i agree,if you are ashamed of your self or what you are posting then simply dont post it,we the people with pride,no matter what happens always post our names and it should be a common thing to do,so please keep up the good work and see yall soon oh by the way go hammertoe,and kung-fu panda lol..