Saturday, June 30, 2012

Big News For Beech Bend Raceway:

During the 10th Annual NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion the announcement was made that the Beech Bend Raceway signed a 5-year contract with the Wally Parks NHRA Museum to continue holding the NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion at Beech Bend Raceway.  This is great news for Beech Bend as well as the city of Bowling Green.  This is an amazing event that continues to grow each and every year.  If you have never attended the Hot Rod Reunion be sure to mark your calendars now for Father's Day weekend in 2013!

Friday, June 29, 2012



Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Harley's at Beech Bend Raceway on Friday testing.

The Harley drags start today at 10:00 am.  

Nostalgia Drag Cars and Alcohol Cars mixed in with the Harleys!!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012


CORRECTION: Tera Wendland’s final run posted 178.59 mph not 1178.59 J Thanks.

Day Three of the 10th Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion - HOT HEADS NOSTALGIA DRAG RACING FINALS

Posted on June 17, 2012
For daily stories: visit

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. – (June 16, 2012) – Ernest McClain, Robbie Freels, and Tera Wendland raced to their first event wins in the Hot Heads Eliminator Nostalgia Drag Racing Finals at the 10th annual Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion presented by AAA at Beech Bend Raceway Park on Saturday night.

The stands were filled with cheering fans as racing went on late into the evening. In categories ranging from Nostalgia Top Fuel to Geezer Gasser, racers roared down the quarter-mile into the darkness, past nostalgic covered grandstands in their quest to be the best.

Jon Capps (Nostalgia Funny Car), Troy Ray (Nostalgia Funny Car), Fred Bear (AA/Gas Supercharged), Mickey Smith (Competition Eliminator), Mike Fuqua (Gas Eliminator), John Castellaw (Modified Eliminator), Mike Welfel (Top Stock Eliminator) and Gary Raber (Geezer Gasser) also were winners at the National Hot Rod Reunion, which was delayed by a passing afternoon thunderstorm as teams prepared for their final rounds.

In the Nostalgia Top Fuel, Delaware native McClain beat last year’s Reunion champion Lincoln Hassel in earlier rounds. In the finals, McClain went up against opponent Keith Burgan and blasted past him with a 6.284 at 226.16 mph.
“My team and I are walking on clouds after our win, it’s a great feeling to win a National Hot Rod Reunion for the first time after attending every single one for the past 10 years,” said McClain. “I would not be here celebrating without my team of dedicated crew members made up of family and close friends.”

Spectators were on the edge of their seats when 7.0 Pro raced on the quarter mile. Last year’s Reunion Champ Ron “Tikiman” Huegli, always a great showman, put on some impressive tire-smoking runs throughout the event while Robbie Freels sized up his competition and steered his way to the winner’s circle. In the final, Freels of Island, Ky., faced off with John Hadyniak. Freels blasted past Hadyniak with a 7.012 second, 184.45 mph run over Hadyniak’s 8.780 second, 109.49 mph run.

 “I’m so excited to win my first National Hot Rod Reunion,” said Freels. “And to win it in my home state is all the better. My team and I had a great time and we will definitely be back to win it again.”

There was plenty of nail-biting excitement in the Junior Fuel class. Texas native Tera Wendland was taken with emotion after three days of heart-pounding runs. Making her Reunion debut, Tera climbed to the top and proved to be a fierce competitor.
In the final, Tera battled fellow Texan Ken Hawkins. Tera used a holeshot to pick up her first National Hot Rod Reunion championship title with a performance of 7.469 seconds at 1178.59 mph while Hawkins picked up a 7.444 second at 175.80 mph run.

“I am so thrilled to win and to think a few weeks ago I didn’t think I would be here, but thanks to Darrell Walden who believed in me as well as my entire team, Frank and Scott with Neil & Parks racecars for building such a beautiful car and my supportive boyfriend Chris Graves,” said Wendland. “This Reunion will be one of my most memorable because it was so much fun and one awesome final. I can’t wait for the 11th Reunion.”

Tera’s sentiments were echoed over and over again by racers, vendors, street rodders, hot rodders and fans following the conclusion of the 10th Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion.

“The racing element of the Reunion is unique and reminiscent of the early days in drag racing when teams didn’t have the big sponsor dollars like we see today. It was all about racing just for fun, meeting new friends and reuniting with old friends,” said Steve Gibbs, event co -director. “The Reunions bring back that nostalgia feel and we hope we can continue these great events for years to come.”  

Results of final, round 2 eliminations in Nostalgia Top Fuel at the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum, 10th annual Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion presented by AAA:
  111 Ernest McClain                        890 Keith Burgan                 
E2   ****WINNER****  0.179  6.284 226.16                     0.269  8.321 140.20
 Prior rounds:
E1    (L Hassell   ) 0.116  6.285 228.46      (R Lechtenber) 0.473 28.000 244.60
 Qualified:             #2  6.275 228.46                        #4 28.000   NS  
NOTE: Actual lanes not known. Winner listed first.
Burgan's car was way off the pace early in the race, but McClain made another run within a thousandth of his first today and within a hundredth of his qualifying run to take the Nostalgia Top Fuel title.
Results of final, round 2 eliminations in Nostalgia Funny Car at the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum, 10th annual Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion presented by AAA:
  295 Troy Ray                                   Bye
E2   ****WINNER****  0.284  8.694 109.76     
 Prior rounds:
E1    (M Smith     ) 0.330  9.169 123.97   
 Qualified:            #99 No Time                           Bye
NOTE: Actual lanes not known. Winner listed first.
Only three of the four cars were able to come back for a second pass. Ray's car labored to get down the track.
  117 Jon Capps                             462 Mike Smith                   
E2   ****WINNER****  0.162  6.139 233.20                     0.142 12.826  61.22
 Prior rounds:
E1    (R Baker     ) 0.148  6.898 133.94      (T Ray       ) 0.159  6.334 175.11
 Qualified:            #99 No Time                             #99 No Time      
Capps made a very nice pass to close out his weekend on a high note. Smith's car did all kinds of evil things early in the run and he limped to the stripe.

Results of final, round 3 eliminations in Junior Fuel at the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum, 10th annual Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion presented by AAA:
 4507 Tera Wendland                        4676 Ken Hawkins                  
E3   ****WINNER****  0.003  7.469 178.59                     0.035  7.444 175.80
 Prior rounds:
E2    (R Muncy     ) 0.023  7.427 179.30      (R Laird     ) 0.074  7.495 175.80
E1    (C Rearick   ) 0.122  7.411 177.88      (M Millsap   ) 0.025  7.599 173.76
 Qualified:             #1  7.356 180.74                        #7  7.725 167.30
NOTE: Actual lanes not known. Winner listed first.
This was great final round, as expected after they ran within a few hundredths of each other in the semifinals. Wendland had a great light to take a holeshot victory against a quicker hawkins, who had a pretty decent light, but left the starting line three hundredths behind Wendland. Tera Wendland's MOV: 0.0070 seconds (approximately 22 inches).

7.0 PRO
Results of final, round 4 eliminations in 7.0 PRO at the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum, 10th annual Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion presented by AAA:
 Car#-Driver(Opp'nt)-RT-----ET-- Speed-----Car#-Driver(Opp'nt)-RT-----ET-- Speed
 3564 Robbie Freels                        1707 John Hadyniak                
E4   ****WINNER****  0.029  7.012 184.45                     0.219  8.780 109.49
         7.0 Index: 7.00 (+/-):  0.012             7.0 Index: 7.00 (+/-):  1.780
 Prior rounds:
E3    (R Huegli    ) 0.080  7.076  0.076      (G Horn      ) 0.285  7.172  0.172
E2    (M Vaught    ) 0.033  7.058  0.058      (J Sanborn   ) 0.075  7.123  0.123
E1    (M Lewis     ) 0.035  7.001  0.001                     0.110  7.042  0.042
 Qualified:             #2  7.064  0.064                        #1  7.005  0.005
NOTE: Actual lanes not known. Winner listed first.
Freels was on time at the green and close to the index at the stripe to post a decisive win in 7.0 Pro Eliminator.

Results of final, round 3 eliminations in AA/Gas Supercharged at the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum, 10th annual Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion presented by AAA:
  150 Fred Bear                            2506 Franklin Coverdale           
E3   ****WINNER****  0.037  5.754 112.79                    -0.065  5.871 128.95
 Prior rounds:
E2    (S Crook     ) 0.122  5.643 115.98      (J Cryan     ) 0.050  5.758 122.96
E1    (R Pirrone   ) 0.059  5.733 107.92      (D Cobb      ) 0.066  5.936 119.05
NOTE: Actual lanes not known. Winner listed first.
Coverdale went red and Bear gets the AA.Gas Supercharged title.

Results of final, round 4 eliminations in Geezer Gassers at the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum, 10th annual Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion presented by AAA:
 Car#-Driver(Opp'nt)-RT-----ET-- Speed-----Car#-Driver(Opp'nt)-RT-----ET-- Speed
 8119 Gary Raber                           3141 Chuck Lipka                  
E4   ****WINNER****  0.081 11.136 112.79                     0.653 10.001 132.75
        D/GG  Dial: 11.00 (+/-):  0.136           B/GG  Dial: 10.00 (+/-):  0.001
 Prior rounds:
E3    (J Bush      ) 0.125 11.093  0.093      (J Gray      ) 0.168 10.025  0.025
E2                   0.123 10.983 -0.017      (S Bacon     ) 0.610 10.239  0.239
E1                   0.310 11.242  0.242                     0.623 10.186  0.186
 Qualified:             #2 11.067  0.067                        #1 10.017  0.017
NOTE: Actual lanes not known. Winner listed first.
Raber had a huge holeshot on Lipka's tardy reaction and won handily. Lipka ran within a thousandth of his index, but it was all over long before he got to the stripe.

Results of final, round 5 eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum, 10th annual Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion presented by AAA:
 Car#-Driver(Opp'nt)-RT-----ET-- Speed-----Car#-Driver(Opp'nt)-RT-----ET-- Speed
 4503 Mickey Smith                         384G Eric Gallay                  
E5   ****WINNER****  0.016  8.533 138.47                     0.124  8.026 164.85
         C/C  Dial: 8.50 (+/-):  0.033             B/C  Dial: 8.00 (+/-):  0.026
 Prior rounds:
E4    (P Lamont    ) 0.007  8.560  0.060      (M Iles      ) 0.078  8.012  0.012
E3    (R Snyder    ) 0.024  8.542  0.042      (T Wilson    ) 0.096  8.001  0.001
E2    (D Cox       ) 0.126  8.402 -0.098      (D Secrest   ) 0.043  8.120  0.120
E1    (B Lehmann   ) 0.104  8.523  0.023      (E Masminster) 0.042  8.065  0.065
NOTE: Actual lanes not known. Winner listed first.
Smith had a good light and a strong run to earn the Competition title.
Results of final, round 6 eliminations in Gas Eliminator at the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum, 10th annual Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion presented by AAA:
 Car#-Driver(Opp'nt)-RT-----ET-- Speed-----Car#-Driver(Opp'nt)-RT-----ET-- Speed
 2682 Mike Fuqua                            719 Marc English                 
E6   ****WINNER****  0.101  9.247 126.41                           No Time      
         D/G  Dial: 9.00 (+/-):  0.247             E/G  Dial: 9.50 (+/-): 90.499
 Prior rounds:
E5                   0.051 13.059  4.059      (D Donaldson ) 0.079  9.535  0.035
E4    (D Hobbs     ) 0.077  9.068  0.068      (D Wathen    ) 0.120  9.497 -0.003
E3    (K Pease     ) 0.046  9.002  0.002      (S Hudson    ) 0.079  9.520  0.020
E2    (R Egner     ) 0.053  9.076  0.076      (G Porter    ) 0.115  9.555  0.055
E1    (D Mullin    ) 0.052  9.091  0.091      (R Walker    ) 0.280  9.859  0.359
NOTE: Actual lanes not known. Winner listed first.
English was a no-show and Fuqua gets the Gas title on a "walkover."

Results of final, round 6 eliminations in Modified Eliminator at the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum, 10th annual Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion presented by AAA:
 Car#-Driver(Opp'nt)-RT-----ET-- Speed-----Car#-Driver(Opp'nt)-RT-----ET-- Speed
 JX39 John Castellaw                       B262 Jody Blalock Sr.             
E6   ****WINNER****  0.082 10.032 134.34                     0.068 11.078 120.01
         A/M  Dial: 10.00 (+/-):  0.032            C/M  Dial: 11.00 (+/-):  0.078
 Prior rounds:
E5    (B Todd      ) 0.072  9.939 -0.061                     0.112 11.020  0.020
E4    (M Baute     ) -0.058 10.025  0.025      (M Spence    ) 0.100 10.977 -0.023
E3    (S Yeater    ) 0.069  9.986 -0.014      (G Stone     ) 0.043 11.049  0.049
E2    (R Montgomery) 0.043 10.105  0.105      (E Beaumont  ) 0.061 11.006  0.006
E1    (B Mitchell  ) 0.018 10.032  0.032      (B Kueber    ) 0.066 11.050  0.050
NOTE: Actual lanes not known. Winner listed first.
John Castellaw's MOV: 0.0320 seconds (approximately 6 feet) to earn the Modified title.
Results of final, round 5 eliminations in Top Stock Eliminator at the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum, 10th annual Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion presented by AAA:
 Car#-Driver(Opp'nt)-RT-----ET-- Speed-----Car#-Driver(Opp'nt)-RT-----ET-- Speed
 2035 Mike Welfel                           162 Ken Vaughn                   
E5   ****WINNER****  0.121 11.457  96.98                     0.092 10.961 115.39
         D/S  Dial: 11.50 (+/-): -0.043            C/S  Dial: 11.00 (+/-): -0.039
 Prior rounds:
E4    (D Walker    ) 0.019 11.580  0.080      (N Broyles   ) 0.057 11.019  0.019
E3    (J Eddy      ) 0.007 11.467 -0.033                     0.050 10.986 -0.014
E2    (J Gower     ) 0.014 11.579  0.079      (T Arnett    ) 0.005 10.966 -0.034
E1    (B Cassady   ) 0.086 11.941  0.441      (B Owens     ) 0.039 11.197  0.197
NOTE: Actual lanes not known. Winner listed first.
Vaughn got the win light on a double breakout., but was disqualified for losing control of the car and Welfel is the Top Stock winner.