Wednesday, May 6, 2009


NOTE THIS IS AN EMAIL FROM BOBBIE STANCIL: We accept the apologize and ask that all the fans, drivers, employees, and anyone else that was at BBR the night this happen to accept the apologize and let racing be racing again. We ask all drivers to think before you act when a racing incident happens on the track. There are always two sides to everything. It is better off to talk to someone you have a grudge with then to take a car and hit them. No matter what the out come of the talk is. Another thing to get out of this is to not listen to hear say. If someone comes and says that a driver said this and that please go and confront the person. We have been through enough over this hold ordeal and like Anthony said it has hurt a lot of people. So please everyone from BBR lets let it drop and go on with our lives. Joey and I will not make any more comments on this subject and we are going on with our live. We will be at BBR when we get ready to come out and watch a race. Other than that we will be going to other tracks to watch racing. Thanks again for all the support we have gotten through all the years we have been racing and photography work at BBR.

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