Sunday, March 7, 2010



Don't miss the first race of 2010 because you simply did not purchase your license and/or transponders.  You can pick up both at the test and tune this coming Saturday (3-13-10) starting at 12:00 noon until 5:00 p.m.  Remember drivers you have to have your license to race.  The transponder has to be on the cars and also mounted correctly in the correct place or YOU may not be counted for the race.  This is another good reason to come Saturday and get everything taken care of.  See you drivers at the test and tune.

NOTEBy the way drivers we (PBO Media Productions) will be there with our camera's to get photo's  for this blog site. Just another good way to help get sponsors and promote yourself and race team. Thanks, look for to seeing you Saturday.  Odell Turner


Anonymous said...

The final racing season at bbr is almost here. I fer one am glad. I think there will be a lot of scores settled this year and the true bbr attitude will shine through.......I sure miss the good. Ole days when racing was fun ! Well see what's left of u guys opening day .geten ready sees u there

Anonymous said...

Is this anonymous comment sayin this is the last year of racing at BBR. Please reply on your site.

Odell Turner said...

It is NOT the last year of oval track racing at Beech Bend Raceway. The person that posted that has too much time on their hands. And they only post things that they think will upset race fans. Also they never have the facts to back their comments. Anyway it is funny to hear how silly some of these fans can be. To the second person who ask for clarification. As Shawn Hannity say's "Let not your heart be troubled" there will be racing in 2011 on on.

Anonymous said...

the first comment just shows their clueless when they make post like that, instead of being so negative y not b positive and do ur part 2 help keep the track going,like keep on buying tickets each week or may b build or buy a race car, i've got a good car 4sale that u could have alot of fun with! So if u miss the good ole dayz like u say do ur part so that we can continue 2 have good ole dayz!! WMS80 PAUL WATKINS

Anonymous said...

How does anybody no if there will be racing in 2011 don't u no we as people ain't promised tomorrow and u can't predict the future no what I mean!

Odell Turner said...

To comment back on the last post. Your comment started by saying "How does anybody no (Should be know) if there will be racing in 2011. I don't know for sure. But lets get real. Why do you have to post a comment like this? All I am trying to do is promote local racing. I'm smart enough to know that we don't hold the key to tomorrow, only God knows that. But in reality we do make plans for Christmas, birthday's, retirement and etc. Do you have a 401K for retirement? You may not retire either, but you plan on it. When I made the post it was under the same idea as we all make plans. Sure, if the world comes to an end or you die, then there will be no racing for 2011. Again, lets get real, why be so negative? Maybe you don't want to be here in 2011 but for me, I plan on seeing stock car racing at Beech Bend in 2011. That's not predicting, that hoping and believing.

Anonymous said...

Well slowdell I posted the first comment and I know there will not be racin at bbr in 2011.and look at all those cars for sale.where are all the drivers? They know Dallas only cares about money. No one will buy your car Kung Fu watkins no one respects u for backing hammertoe! You ought to be ashamed I know I am of you. Why no one is coming is because the fun is gone. There is no respect or loyalty there anymore and Odell you helped ruin racing and u owe the stancils an apology u ran bobby off and she was the heart of bbr so in closing it is the end of bbr .......get used to it

Anonymous said...

Odell get real. Stop kissing Dallas rear at bbr ,unless u have a late model is over......not negative but reality where ate the cars I bet there won't be 25 cars on opening day

Anonymous said...

Well odel as your reply to the comment about racing in 2011 they didn't ask for a English lesson they just ask a question besides you couldn't give a English lesson any better than you could drive a race car you don't care about stockcars your a big drag racer now anyway everbody no's all you are is another one of Dallas's puppets anyway. By the way your site would be over if you had to depend on drag racer to make any comments cause I ain't never seen any comments on your drag post now post this if you ain't scared (Odel Jones) instagator

Tammyjo said...

WooHoo, let the trash talk begin. Funny, isn't it? By the way, it is instIgator. Keep up the good work, Odell. ;)