Sunday, March 21, 2010


Odell for everyone to know that we did not post (YOU MUST OWE US MONEY)we do not know who did because they did not put there name on it. If we put post anything on your site we will put our name on it. As for our parts we have been selling them at Beech Bend since 1991 we have always stood behind them and always will, We try to support all racers of any kind. And we will See you all every race night. And we will still support all division at Beech Bend because if we don't we may not have  local place to race. The way gas prices are it just cost to much to anywhere. And to all racers in the area GOOD LUCK THIS YEAR...............
Brad of B&R


Anonymous said...

Brad try not to get to worked up over this crap cause most everbody with any since knows this site is a bunch of crap but that's the only way odel can get any hits on here. Besides he's just another puppet on a string

Odell Turner said...

You must love this crap, you are on here. And by the way, it's Odell not Odel. Look at the title of the site to see the correct spelling of my name. You are so funny. I love it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

this site is totally NOT crap, it's been very informational in the past to me and will, more than likely, continue to be of good source in the future. keep up the good work odeLL, lol.