Saturday, August 18, 2007


I have wrote a lot of stories on this site but this one is what it is all about in my opinion. I have shared with you stories of winners, cars, tracks, and etc... This picture is of sportsman driver Paul Watkins and his son. My wife stands on the walk over and tapes me (Odell #99) and Paul races in my class, as she tapes, Paul's son stands up there too and watches his Dad race. My wife tells me every night how cute he is and how he yells for his dad to win. I had never really met him so when I took Paul's picture I saw him standing in the pits close to his dad and ask if this was his son, it was, and so I took this picture. I remember when I raced years ago and Paul's Dad, Johnny was a driver and a very good one at that. Paul was like his son he was the little kid running around in the pits. So the saying the apple doesn't fall far from the tree is true I guess. I believe that no matter how many people are fans of Paul this little boy will always be Paul's biggest fan. Paul you should be very proud. There is nothing like family. To you folks reading this site I just wanted to post this story to said not all races are bad people and there is more to a racer than just a stock car. My oldest daughter who doesn't go to the races told me that her son (my grandson) was playing baseball this year and Paul was a coach on the other team and she told me that he really did a good job and had a lot of fun with the kids. Good Job Paul! In short speaking as a fellow racer, yes we get mad at other racer from time to time and show our self, but it is because a good racer has that fire in his belly and is a very competitive person but when it is said and done we are family men and women, coach's, bosses, factory workers, your painter, heat & cool man, a blood donor and etc. Just plain old good moral people in our community. Paul thanks for your part in our community and at Beech Bend Raceway.


Tammyjo said...

I enjoy standing with Paul's son during the race because it reminds me of myself when I was a child watching my Dad.

wms80 said...

Odell,Thank you for your kind words,this article put cold chills thru me as i read it.Racing for me is a family tradition,my papaLARRY HARRISON,my dad JOHNNY WATKINS raced and by the way my dad was a seasons points champion in 3differnt divisions at BBR,an uncle PEEWEE LEVINGS,and a couple of cousins.but my true love is my boys,they have helped me grow as a person more than words can eversay,TRYSTAN is 10 and has a PURPLEBELT in GOJU KARATE,that is 3belts away from a BLACKBELT and today he won 1st place in a sparring tournament giving him his 3rd win of this year.LANDON is 6 he is my little fireball,he has an ORANGEBELT w/a black stripe thru it b/c he has won a national tournament in CHICAGO this year and he also won his division today making it his 3rd win of this year as well.I could go on and on about my family.Odell once again thank you for you and your family's very kind words.PAUL WATKINS ps this site is AWESOME!!!

#10checkwritter said...

Paul and Odell you both are right it is family, friends, and fans that we are out there for. It is nice to go to racing and see a race like the sportsman class race side by side and no conflict then when race is over for the drivers to congrad. the winner. Also is nice to get on this site and read comments now. Also congradulation to you and Hilary (hope I spelled it right) for the new one on the way. Hope both are fine. Joey and Bobbie

48 guy said...

Thanks Johnny and Paul for the rim u let Hammerhead use