Sunday, August 22, 2010

Melton vs Abbott

Matt Melton #11 and Aaron Abbott #14 in modified street race. What did you see and what is your opinion? Remember to keep your post Clean or it will not be posted. (Click on the word comments to post your view)


Anonymous said...

he is just a dirty lil driver, the apple didnt fall far from the tree w/that one!!!!!!!just like his daddy cant drive a bit!!!!matt u suck ur car is ugly 2!!!!

Anonymous said...

haha he cut me off and i didn't let out. As far as my car being ugly i'm bout to win championship with an ugly car i guess. How many championships do you have. just wondering this will make my 2nd one in four years of racing.
Matt Melton #11

Anonymous said...

i guess you dont know how to spell your name, since your anonymous.

Myrel Melton

Anonymous said...

winning a Championship with 3 or 4 cars in your class is something to be proud of. Yeah Right!! The first championship you bought and there is only 3 or 4 cars in your class now. Now that is how you need to win championship. I know, we won 3 championships in a row. With a bigger car count like 12-15 cars each week. Keep working hard, you may get it. Rookie!! How you but the 11 car out was wrong then you was a coward and would no go to your pit area. Wrong wrong Wrong

Anonymous said...

Matt can only win a championship by only buying someone elses parts, u cant drive win, learn to race clean, try to get around coming out the curve, your not fast, so work on the setup,it is about crying when u lose!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

matt has won his championship this year fair and square! he works on his car every week to get it better and faster and has proved his self! if you dont like how he drives then guess what you dont like how 90% of the racers drive out there! thats beech bend for ya! i love the track just cause its a hometown track but get real people! you are not running nascar! and as for him only having 3 or 4 cars out there oh well! y dont you quit running your mouth and put your a** in a car out there with em! lets see if you can win a championship! matt is a great person! and as for him not goin to his pits well lets c that just made him the bigger person! trust me was comin after you but i stopped him! so people stop with all the bs and drama and get back to racing and stop all the drama before someone gets seriously hurt!!! or even worse! just sayin.....

Beck D

Anonymous said...

we will show em this week matt. most people running there mouth on here have never been in a car therefore theres no need to hear mouth from them. but childish immature people will run there mouth. let it go in one ear and out the other bub and go rap up this champonship.

Ryan woolbright