Thursday, August 19, 2010

For a very special person!

Ten years ago tomorrow (8-20-10), we lost a very important person to our racing community.  To the Melton family, we want you to know, Marsha will never be forgotten.  Cancer took her away.  She was a very devoted track photographer to Beech Bend Raceway Park.  No one loved racing or her family anymore than she did.  Rest in peace Marsha.  You are missed!


#10checkwritter said...

To Myrel, Bubba, and Sissy
Yes 10 years ago we lost the best thing in our life. But she is watching over us and knows that we are just fine. We miss her very much and all the things she did for us and I know if she was still here she would still be going and doing everything she loved very much with the race track and her family. Love always Bobbie

Brandy Lynn said...

i am sorry guys yall r in my prayers wish matt could have had that race the other night !!!