Sunday, August 2, 2009


Hey Odell I am writing you this to be posted on the site.. I was so touched by Sammy Sanders on Friday night at Beech Bend .. My Little boy is infatuated with Sammy.. I know your probably saying but Bo is his uncle Yeah I know.. But Sammy I don’t know what he done but has won my little boys heart .. It tickled Dakota to death when Sammy brought his old visor to his helmet over their and gave it to him.. Now when we got home he made his poppa put that same visor that Sammy gave him on his race car helmet and he drives his (racetruck) around the yard saying I'm Sammy….I just wanted to let everyone know that the drivers at Beech Bend do set examples for Our little ones.. My Little boy is the Prime Example of that. He looks up to Sammy…… Thanks Edith King. NOTE FROM ODELL: BAD NEWS SEEMS TO MAKE THE NEWS HEADLINES AND BAD NEWS SEEMS TO BE THE TOPIC OF THE WEEK. I WAS VERY PLEASED TO RECEIVE THIS EMAIL ABOUT A STOCK CAR DRIVER DOING SOMETHING THAT MADE SUCH AN IMPACT ON A LITTLE KID. MY HATS OFF TO LATE MODEL DRIVER SAMMY SANDERS. THANKS TO EDITH KING FOR THIS WONDERFUL EMAIL. ODELL TURNER


ANG85 said...

Thanks, Sammy for being such a positive role model for the younger generations and our future drivers. Regardless if the drivers want to be or not, they are role models and lots of the kids in the stands look up to them. I hope each driver and fan thinks of this the next time they want to lose thier cool over something. You have more people watching and learing than you think!

bryan king said...

thanks sammy that was nice of u to do that for my son on friday night drivers like u are very far and in between most drivers would not do that for a 3 year old my son loves u keep being the good role modle that u are thanks a million
bryan king

Anonymous said...

Yes thats right ANG85 the drivers are the role models for all kids out at bbr so please tell your husband the next time he goes to the track to race dont get out of his car & fight the other driver or fight every night in the pits after a race okay cause the kids are watchin! thanks a bunch

Anonymous said...

Anyonymous that was uncalled for and Shouldnt have even been said.. Grow up it wasnt even about that Cant people stop trying to start stuff for 1 week .