Saturday, August 15, 2009


Richard "Doodle" Dickens #85 will be racing in the IOFS tonight at Plymouth Speedway in Plymouth, IN. Doodle his wife Angie and friend Jay Parrish headed out last night to race in this new figure-8 series. Good Luck Doodle!


Anonymous said...

what kind of car and chasis is this one, its not the one that got t/boned in the crossings is it?

ANG85 said...

No, the car that got "t-boned" at Anderson was "The Rocket" that we ran at BBR for many years. I'm sad to say that The Rocket has been sent to the crusher. The car in the pic is an Impala. Sorry, but that is all I know about this car. It is a "loaner" from Billy Williams (Bowling Green). Remember race fans, the IOFS will be at BBR Sept. 18th, 2009!!!! Yall come on out to watch the best figure 8 show of the 2009 season.

Anonymous said...

those guys are some bad mamma jammas,does doodle have a chance at winning this race at all?he has all the experience on this track(BBR)but does he have enough car to get it dune?how many cars are expected to make this race?boy it sure would be nice if there was 20 to 25 cars wouldnt that be something!well anyways good luck doodles...